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June 2nd 2024 - 04:02

Thread #168

cpt. iron jack cash has no photo

by: cpt. iron jack cash
July 16th, 2005
My appoligies
Good Morning, its odd that I should find this sight, as I was doing research on sailing I happend upon you guys, but here is why.
Iīve just completed a pirate novel and its now in the hands of the publisher. while I was writing this, I often thought of putting a disclaimer in it somewhere appoligizing to the blue water sailors of the world for the fact that probably most if not all of the things I have the frigates and sloops doing in the story canīt happen or at least happen far more slowly then one would belive reading it.
I did study sailing for a bit during the writing but itīs such a vast lesson that I had to abandon it and get on with the story.
So to you the blue water sailors, I appoligize for writing about what is surely an art form with no experience on my part.
Jesse R. Deville

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
July 24th, 2005
Re: My appoligies
With so many of the nautical fiction titles out there already guilty of tresspass on the plausable - I think we are all used to it. Anyway - what fiction is there that doesnīt "push the limit" somewhat... (well OK OīBrian was pretty close...)

Personally, I like a good story, and Iīm certainly willing to forgive a few leaps of the plausable in exchange for the more pleasurable :)

Let us know the title and when itīs out...
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

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