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July 27th 2024 - 00:27

The Bosunīs Mate Glossary of Terms

The Bosunīs Mate dictionary of Nautical Terms has been compiled from many sources and is constantly being augmented and revised in our attempt to capture as much of the rich yet complicated (and often conflicting) maritime termonology as possible.

You will find an extensive list of information about all sorts of nautical items from sailorīs knots to the sailors themselves, and from ships to the weather patterns of the seas they ply.

Random terms, by category

Abbreviations and Acronyms (41 terms)
Short for "Collision Regulations"
The things sailors do (8 terms)
Pay out
To feed out Line, hand over hand - usually over the side of the vessel.
Why say back when you can say aft instead! (20 terms)
When facing Forward, the Left side of the vessel
Common sayings and expressions from maritime lore (149 terms)
Said of an object that is secured to another.
The foods of the sea (2 terms)
A favorite dish for the crew of tall ships. It could consist of almost anything, but the propper dish consisted of layers of meat, vegetables, and fish alternating with crusts of bread and/or broken biscuit - affectionately referred to as a Two or Three decker based on the number of layers.
Various knots both functional and ornamental from the nautical to the ornamental and with both historic and present day value. (12 terms)
Catīs Paw
1) A tiwsting Knot made in a Bight of a Line to Secure to a hook or pin. Ideal for use with a sling where neither free end of the Rope is available.

2) A name given to a slight ripple on the water caused by a breeze during a calm.

Bits and bobs from life aboard ship (5 terms)
A disease historically common to seaman, caused by lack of Vitamin C the British Navy started to fight it bu adding lime juice to their water - this was the origin of the slan "Limey"
Specific sailing maneuvers (33 terms)
Bear Up
To steer closer to the wind, shore or an object.
The points of sail and seamanship (76 terms)
The direction of an object expressed as an agnle in degrees or Compass points from the vesselīs meridian, or , sometimes, from the direction of the Bow, Stern, or Beam.

An answer to the question "Where Away"

The parts of ships (131 terms)
1. The tallest Mast of the Ship, on a Schooner, the Mast furthest Aft.

Important people and/or their positions in nautical history (14 terms)
A nickname for British sailors coined by the Americans. It referrs to the British regulation that all registered ships had to cary a supply of lime juice and issue the same to the crew to prevent Scurvy.
Key locations of the maritime world (20 terms)
A storage compartment Below decks in the Stern of a vessel.
Rigging components and terms (104 terms)
Eye splice
A splice to create a loop in the end of a Line, by braiding the end into itself.
Sails, their parts and materials (30 terms)
Reef Points
Short Lines through a Sail at the reef band to Secure the Foot of the Sail to the Boom or Yard and thus reduce itīs effective area.
Types of vessels and some famous examples (22 terms)
Two-masted vessel with the Fore Mast being square rigged and after Mast usually Gaff rigged.
The various spars used aboard ship (6 terms)
A Spar Forward of Bowsprit that supports the Forward most staysails.
The tools of the trade (27 terms)
The process of cleanly fitting togeather pieces of timber when shipbuilding to acheive minimal space between them.
terms awaiting clasification (36 terms)
none found
Meteorology and its relationship to sailing (7 terms)
A sudden violent blast of wind.
Total Terms: 539 Total Views: 2054415

tall ships
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