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January 16th 2025 - 15:15

Main Menu -> SALTS -> 2012 SALTS Summer Programme -> 2012 Trip 4 - Pacific Grace

2012 Trip 4 - Pacific Grace

Total Distance: 54.85nm over 3.32 days
Average distance each day: 16.54nm
Distance from last position : 3.19nm
Last Position:
50°7'1.92 N 127°36'28.80 W
  on August 12th 2012 @ 18:35

Ship's Log:
Silhoutted cedars silently watched as shooting stars blazed overhead, the ship gentle rocking in the calm anchorage. Another warm morning set the stage to accomplish several lessons prior to lunch. After lunch the watches loaded their dories to set off for spectacular Jacobson Beach. After the row their was a plaesant hike through the rain forest, towering cedars and dense salal paved the way to the secluded outer beach. We emerged on to a hot sunny beach, waves breaking beyond the glassy sea. After a beach comb that yielded some asian treasures we set up for a game of ultimate frisbee. The starboardside Brooks Crooks started strong but after a dramatic first mate defection, the unnamed portside clinched the deciding point to rule the day. After the game we set off up a picturesque creek lined by aromatic windfall cedar. The reward of the journey was a beautiful waterfall nestled in a rock grotto that provided a brisk and welcome refreshment from the rigours of the beach. Back aboard by dinner time, anchor was weighed and we have shifted anchorage to the Acous Penninsula. There is a little more swell sneaking in here, just pleasant enough to rock us asleep after a wonderful full day on the Brooks Penninsula.    

Anchored, gentle swell, warm breeze, haze, curious otters

Wind NW5-15

tall ships
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