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January 17th 2025 - 00:31

Main Menu -> SALTS -> 2010 SALTS Summer Programme -> 2010 Trip 4 - Pacific Grace

2010 Trip 4 - Pacific Grace

Total Distance: 181.83nm over 6.26 days
Average distance each day: 29.05nm
Distance from last position : 41.34nm
Last Position:
49°1'48.00 N 125°20'34.80 W
  on August 19th 2010 @ 21:15

Ship's Log:
Yesterday after the Hot Springs we headed inland as there was no wind off the coast. Our destination was Adventure Bay in Clayoquot Sound. Adventure Bay is near the up at the head of an inlet that in the center of Meares Island. it was here that Captain Gray of the Columbia spent a winter back in 1792, one of the first europeans to do so. during his stay he had his crew build a small schooner named Adventure, which was later sold to Captain Quadra for 70 choice sea otter pelts. It was a very circuitous route leading through the extreme shallows of the sound. great fun for all. Today we headed out to sea again near Tofino to enjoy a wonderful NW wind that had brought clear weather back to our area. For the next 25 miles we reached down towards Barkley Sound. Our top speed was coming on to the wind entering the sound. It was exhilarating to watch the Grace power up to over 10 kts and dig her shoulder into the great Pacific swells. During the entire sail we had regular visits by humpback whales some breaching clear of the water and one swimming a foot beneath the bow of the Grace to all of our shock. We are now anchored in Toquart Bay delighting in the calm waters and warm sun shine. All are well and growing strong as a united group.

Clear and calm


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