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January 16th 2025 - 23:13

Main Menu -> SALTS -> 2010 SALTS Summer Programme -> 2010 Trip 1 - Pacific Grace

2010 Trip 1 - Pacific Grace

Total Distance: 112.47nm over 4.09 days
Average distance each day: 27.50nm
Distance from last position : 82.98nm
Last Position:
48°27'8.28 N 123°17'16.80 W
  on July 11th 2010 @ 12:46

Ship's Log:
The following are the logs from the past 3 days.
Day 7
After a "blue moon" breakfast (sleep in) we were off to the expansive sandy beach at Tribune Bay, Hornby Island, where we played out our own version of the FIFA World Cup, those who sleep on the starboard side of the ship taking on those who sleep on the port side. The port side prevaled three - nill. Once back at the ship we motored to the North end of Lasqueti Island and a lovely anchorage amongst the Fegen Islands. During our "Sunday service" (day 7 of each trip) we were treated to yet another beautiful sunset.
Day 8
After breakfast we weighed anchor and headed south down Sabine Channel in the hopes of finding some Northwesterly wind in the Strait of Georgia. The "weather man" did not disapoint as we were able to set all sail just off Windy Bay on Lasqueti Island. During our reach down the strait we were able to make speeds in excess of 10kts. Four miles North of Active Pass the wind fell light so we dropped sail and headed forour  anchorage in Ellen Bay on Prevost Island. During the sail all testing was completed with many of the trainees doing very well.
Day 9
After another wonderful breakfast (Erin and Kayla have worked very hard at treating us well!) we were once again able to set all sail but by lunch had to drop due to a large flood tide. Once the sails were down we were able to Zodiac David over to the Swift so he could get some film footage of their vessel from the deck. Travelling in company with the Swift we were witnesses to a spectacular whale show off of Lime Kiln light on San Juan Island - the "icing on the cake" to what has been a fantastic voyage. Next we set sail and were able to tack our way through Baynes Channel - both the Swift and Grace making for a great sight for "Cameraman Dave" as he and Tristan zipped around both ships in the Zodiac. Our evening was topped off with the traditional "Talent Show" with both trainees and crew participation.
Day 10
Once again we are treated with a morning full of sunshine as the trainees and crew clean the ship and pack their bags in anticipation of our arrival in Victoria. See you all soon!

Clear and sunny

Temp 26C

wooden boats
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