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February 9th 2025 - 09:39

Main Menu -> SALTS -> SALTS 2008 Summer -> Pacific Grace Trip 3 2008

Pacific Grace Trip 3 2008

Total Distance: 240.86nm over 6.59 days
Average distance each day: 36.57nm
Distance from last position : 13.64nm
Last Position:
50°43'22.80 N 127°29'13.20 W
  on August 1st 2008 @ 00:08

Ship's Log:
Well we have arrived safely in Port Hardy and now once again have a signal to send the log with. To recap the last two days: from Blunder harbour we sailed most of our way, beating against a fresh northwest breeze to Allison Harbour, a long narrow inlet, just to the east of Schooner Passage. At the head of Allison Harbour we hiked a rainforest trail to a beautiful freshwater lake. On day 9 we took advantage of calm and sun to explore Burnett Bay. Once ashore we were retreated to a beautiful sandy beach. After lunch ashore and a rousing game of sticks we doried back to the Grace feeling a slight westerly swell, unfamiliar to the rest of the inside passage. From Burnett Bay we travelled to Port Alexander, where we spent our last night in solitude. We enjoyed a wonderful talent show put on by all hands and a final hearty round of singing. We had a peaceful last morning, with the trainees spending their last hours in fun, conversation, and trading email addresses. It was great to witness the reuinion of trainees with family. God Bless.


Pressure 1031
Wind NW0

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