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January 19th 2025 - 21:48

Main Menu -> SALTS -> SALTS 2007 Summer -> Trip 3 2007 - Pacific Swift

Trip 3 2007 - Pacific Swift

SALTS Summer Program 2007 - Trip 3 - Pacific Swift

Total Distance: 173.64nm over 7.25 days
Average distance each day: 23.93nm
Distance from last position : 18.82nm
Last Position:
50°31'0.12 N 126°10'58.80 W
  on August 1st 2007 @ 17:07

Ship's Log:
We spent a lovely evening in Forward Harbour, after being thwarted by wind and tide from anchoring in Blenkinsop Bay. We left the next morning after sleep in, one sitting breakfast on deck and a bear show on the beach to make our way up the coast to Boughey Bay where we were fortunate enough to anchor under sail, for the second night in a row, a rare treat. Boughey Bay was beautiful and time was spent writing junior tests, sanding and painting the hull and taking time to enjoy a beautiful sunset over the distant islands. Lit by moonlight, we held our Sunday service here on deck surrounded by silence and stars. Today we awoke to thick fog, and motored up to Alert Bay where trainees were eager to get on shore and splurge on ice cream and other treats before having a great game of ultimate frisbee. Heading back to the boat where intermediates are writing their tests, and other trainees are enjoying time spent chatting, laughing. We are looking forward to a good sleep tonight and possibly some fishing spots along the way to somewhere near Port Hardy for our last night on board. Sarah, the Watch Officer.


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