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January 19th 2025 - 21:37

Pacific Grace 2003 Leg 4

The fourth leg of the 2003 offshore:

Honolulu, Hawaii to Victoria BC Canada
April 20 to June 6, 2004

The Sail and Life Training Society is a veteran of four previous deep sea adventures. This will be the first visit of the Pacific Grace to many of the countries, ports and remote communities which are familiar to the Graceīs sister training ship, the Pacific Swift. The voyage will be comprised of four distinct legs.Trainees may apply for one or more legs with no restriction as to numbers of legs except for availability at the time of application. Each leg will consist of several intermediate stops between ports of arrival or departure; however, these stops are subject to prevailing weather and the political situation and may be increased or eliminated at the discretion of the shipīs master.

WELCOME HOME PACIFIC GRACE: http://www.pawprint.net/sail/pacific-grace.php

tracking Pacific Grace: 24 recorded positions
Last Position:
48°32'24.00 N 123°15'0.00 W
  on June 4th 2004 @ 21:45

Ship's Log:
After a delightful barby at the Spauldingīs home on San Juan island and
another great nights sleep alongside in Friday Hrb. we sailed north to
Pender Island and poets cove. Poets Cove is a dressed up Bedwell Harbour.
Beautiful, clean and expensive. We enjoyed one night tied to the dock which
gave us full privileges to use pool and hot tub, all new as of the end of
may. Our sail back into Canada was an all day affair with everything set
and working the grace through the channels and against the tide. Today  was
spent traveling north to Galiano Island where Mike Gīs parents have a bed
and breakfast on the water. They also have a new large ice cream maker,
which was the real reason for our visit. Upon arrival we were treated with
fresh mint chocolate chip as a welcome home flavour. It sure is nice to
have such great people conveniently spaced along the coast. Tonight we had
our final dinner and are now anchored and about to have mug up. Last dinner
for leg three was turkey complete with all the fixings. Baked Brie and
garlic for Appetizers and baked apples for desert. Please no more food.....

Light overcast,light wind

Wind n10
Pressure b1027
Email processed: 2004-06-05 02:00:04

tall ships
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