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May 6th 2024 - 06:13

2012 Trip 5 - Pacific Swift

tracking Pacific Swift: 9 recorded positions
Last Position:
49°28'13.80 N 126°14'31.20 W
  on August 26th 2012 @ 23:00

Ship's Log:
Trip 5 - Day 5. Everyone awoke to a lovely morning of pleasant weather and scattered clouds in the lovely Hot Springs Cove. Over a delicious breakfast of healthy granola & yogurt it was announced that we would be returning to the Hot Springs for a refreshing morning dip!! After a quick scramble to get ready all watches were shuttled by Skipper in the zodiac to the dock. A relaxed stroll through the fresh, cool old growth forest is the best way to start a day, and was even better when followed by a hot shower! It was a blessing in disguise that it was a little overcast because the hot pools were much more appreciated in contrast to the cool air. Everyone enjoyed a long, relaxing soak- it was even better the second time around. The sun was peeking through the trees on the returning walk through the forest and many people took advantage of the cooler holding cookies, San Pellegrinos, and other treats for sale. We returned to the Swift just in time for lunch, which was Indian veggie burritos and melon.
At 13:45 we departed Hot Springs Cove and set sail!!! There was excitement in the air as we set a reefed mainsail, foresail and forestaysail. We were facing 20 knots of southeasterly wind as we tacked south. This was only the second time this trip we had set sail other than the square topsail and courses, so everyone was reveling in the joyous movement powered only by wind. The moment the motor turns off is a glorious one and was much anticipated. This was a first time sailing experience for many trainees and was enjoyed by all. After a wonderful sail, we ran north up Sydney Inlet. Skipper did some fishing while I steered the Swift up Holmes Inlet and into one of my favourite anchorages, Pretty Girl Cove. I also learned how to anchor the boat which was great fun. Shortly after anchoring, Sam, Ryan, Graham and Lindsey repainted the hull in the zodiac. Almost immediately after they finished that grueling job (that resulted in much green paint in hair) it began to rain - thank the Lord for holding off until the painting was finished!! Mel & Liz cooked us a delicious dinner of Sundried tomato red pepper pesto chicken pasta and Caesar salad, which was enjoyed by all up on deck for a one- sitter. After dinner we had a quick Tuck & Tidy. Looking for bonus points, the boys entertained the judges with a hospital sketch involving a surgery performed on Kyle (to step up the hospital cleanliness factor). The ladies welcomed the judges to the foīcīsīle for a quick tour and open house, pointing out all the prime real estate and award winning bunks. The next item on the evening agenda was a loud game of Mad Gab in the hold, with the Starhawks vs. the Super Awesome Dragon Serpents. I have also discovered my uncanny ability to guess words in that game, which contributed to the Dragon Serpentsī victory. The day was closed with a big plate of fantastic chocolate zucchini cake (icing included) and hot apple cider. Another glorious day on the incredible west coast!
Fair winds,
Cayla Wolever


Wind SE5

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