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May 6th 2024 - 16:36

2012 Trip 4 - Pacific Grace

tracking Pacific Grace: 4 recorded positions
Last Position:
50°29'21.12 N 128°3'39.60 W
  on August 10th 2012 @ 15:15

Ship's Log:
The Port Hardy dock was loaded to capacity with eager trainees and their well wishers, the wooden floats bucking and swaying like tethered horses as if sensing the urgency of the ships to depart. All hands were accounted for and safety orientations followed in due course. By 1445, under a sunny brisk sky, lines were slipped and the Grace steamed north towards Cape Scott and the open waters beyond. The wind eased in the early evening and we were welcomed to the open ocean by a gentle swell, distant humpbacks and a few curious otters. Everyone felt comfortable as we ran west towards Cape Scott, enjoying a muted sunset, easy company and the slow emergence of stars. Rounding the cape a foresail was shaken out in anticipation of hopefully sailing through the night. The wind held steady and we were able to sail all through the night accompanied by the creaks and strains of rigging and the sibilant hiss of waters racing along the hull. The masts carved dancing arcs across the milky way, who competed valiantly with several brilliant shooting stars to claim the early night sky. By the middle of the night a crescent harvest moon rose brilliantly, illuminating the deck as trainees steered the ship by compass over a glowing phosphorescent sea. It was a pleasant sail, ranging in speed from 2.5-5 knots as we calmly rolled south down the west coast of Vancouver Island. Sunrise broke clear above the shadowed hills and valleys of the island, just in time to aid in the landing of our first salmon. We entered Quatsino Sound around 0900 after sailing for 11 hours or so through the night. The still waters and wooded hills provided a sense of calm and rest after our run as we selected a spot to settle and explore for the afternoon. An adventure was launched to reach a beautiful white sand beach on the outer coast, necessitating a hearty row in the ship's dories and a walk through the soon to be familiar temperate rain forest of the outer coast. All are well and in good spirits.

Anchored, light haze, salmon marinating

Wind WNW5

tall ships
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