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May 17th 2024 - 01:10

2012 Trip 4 - Pacific Swift

tracking Pacific Swift: 5 recorded positions
Last Position:
50°51'13.68 N 129°4'58.80 W
  on August 10th 2012 @ 10:00

Ship's Log:
With all on board we were off to the west side of Vancouver Island. Weather was our primary concern as we again had our sights on Triangle Island. Triangle lies 25 miles NW of Cape Scott which is the north west tip of Vancouver Island. Weather has to be perfect to visit this area as it is very exposed with little protection to anchor. With favourable weather forecasts and great current conditions we made our decision to visit Triangle while passing Cape Scott light. Forecasts were correct and our passage was uneventful allowing us to anchor at 0330hrs on the south side of the island. Waking up at Triangle Island is an experience that will remain with you for a long time. It is almost like this place has been forgotten by time. With bird life unequaled in few other places, huge sea lion colonies constantly growling and Jurassic looking rock formations most are stunned when they first come on deck . Our weather held and we enjoyed most of the day exploring the coastline from the dories. Each watch meandered from spectacle to spectacle marvelling at the many new sights. Some rowed their dory through narrow passages between huge rock spires guarded with massive male sea lions growing and showing their teeth. Birds, birds, birds are the main attraction at Triangle. With few predators and an abundant food supply all sea birds thrive out here. Hundreds of Tufted Puffins were constantly in sight. We saw Rhinoceros Auklets, Terns, Guillemots, Gulls, Petrels, Murrelets and even a possible Peregrine Falcon was sighted. Sea lions crowded almost every rock pile in sight. Huge Stellar Sea lions reaching over a thousand pounds lounging in the sun and sending the odd growl in our direction. Triangle is truly from another world, so many sights, so much life and so unique. Everyone was thrilled. We met a friendly fisherman while anchored here and early in the morning we were presented with enough fresh filleted Halibut for our supper that night, mmmmmm. We weighed anchor at about 1400hrs on the 10th and with "intel" from our new made fisherman friend headed out to watch the Humpback Whales feeding nearby. We were treated with tail slaps, lunge feeding and surface relaxing by these gentle giants.  With great excitement we set sail T 1500hrs and for the rest of the day enjoyed a delightful sail back towards Vancouver Island. During the sail we saw more whales, sunfish and even caught a salmon to round things out. Our destination was Winter Harbour. We sailed into the night and anchored by 0300hrs  settling into our bunks to thoroughly dream about the days events. All are well and are enjoying each others company already in this short time.

Calm and clear

Wind NW10

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