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February 9th 2025 - 10:23

2012 Trip 2 - Pacific Grace

tracking Pacific Grace: 4 recorded positions
Last Position:
49°29'59.28 N 124°12'57.60 W
  on July 19th 2012 @ 11:15

Ship's Log:
Yesterday morning we awoke to overcast skies in Tribune Bay and spent the morning reviewing and testing for the juniors. After the intellectual adventures of the test the afternoon was spent playing on the flat white sands of Tribune Bay. An energetic game of sticks was played, with the port side again handing the loss to the starboards. Back aboard in the late afternoon, dories and anchor were weighed and we headed off for False Bay for an evening BBQ. It was another beautiful warm sunset as we nestled in the bay and watched the sun fade off the calm strait and the distant snowy peaks of Vancouver Island. Starboard watch was up early this morning and weighed anchor while crepuscular rays broke through the sullen cloud, lighting the steep bluffs and hardy trees that line the coast. We are now anchored at Jedidiah Island. The morning was spent exploring this beautiful island park. The island was an old homestead and is mostly covered in rich foliage. Maple trees compete with tall cedars for sun, resulting in intriguing relationships between trees as they weave and wind their way together ever upwards. The forest floor is ruled by salal, growing everywhere possible and often is seen growing out of the stumps of fallen cedars, making comical mushroom shapes. We will be under way again shortly to head south towards the Gulf Islands.

Anchored, skies clearing.

Wind SE5

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