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February 14th 2025 - 19:49

Pacific Grace 2009 - Trip 5

tracking Pacific Grace: 9 recorded positions
Last Position:
48°20'12.84 N 123°32'56.40 W
  on August 27th 2009 @ 23:05

Ship's Log:
Our last long leg down the Strait was
uneventful. Light winds, no whales and no Albatross. Leaving Port San Juan at
0830hrs we motored 6 hrs. to Pedder Bay just north of Race rocks. We anchored at
1530hrs and set up the Graceīs impressive rope swing. Set from the gaff two
thirds the way up the main mast a line hangs down to a departure point on the
port light box. Once committed the swinger flyīs out over the water to a landing
spot 10 feet behind the stern. With the water temperature as it is swimming back
to the boatīs ladder is usually done in record time. Almost everyone had a try
at the swing. Following supper we launched into our usual "Talent Show" that
rounds out the end of the trip. There were many varied acts ranging from solo
singing, kung fu fighting, Poi swinging, violin soloīs and swing dance
performances. You have vary talented children. One last extra long mug-up
and some hang out time on deck brought us to almost midnight. Tomorrow at
breakfast the watches will have a time of edification during their
last meal as a watch. During this time the whole watch takes turns edifying
and appreciating each member of the watch. The person being edified is only
allowed to say "thank you". It can be a powerful time for everyone
involved. It is wonderful to see these young people supporting each other in
this way. We have had a great trip together and have enjoyed each otherīs
company a great deal. Tomorrow will be tough as we say goodbye. Thank you
again parents for lending us your children they are full of life. A parting
word for our trainees... "Opa!!!!!!" ( they will

Clear, starry and cool.

Wind SW15
Pressure 1028
Email processed: 2009-08-28 01:48:03

wooden boats
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