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January 19th 2025 - 21:28

Pacific Grace 2009 - Trip 5

tracking Pacific Grace: 9 recorded positions
Last Position:
48°33'23.40 N 124°27'50.40 W
  on August 26th 2009 @ 22:15

Ship's Log:
Another day moving south along Vancouver Island toward the opening of Juan de Fuca Strait. We entered the strait at 1300hrs and had a short sail before entering Port San Juan a large natural harbour most people know as the Port Renfrew area. We anchored in time to get out the barbeque and have a great dinner of hamburgers. Quite a sight flipping burgers for 40 people as the sport fisherman drive by stretching their necks to see whatīs cooking. Tomorrow we will make the final long leg of this journey and round Race Rocks sometime in the late afternoon so we are able to reach Victoria on time Friday morning. All are well and already feeling that the trip is ending too quickly. Strong relationships are being formed and the group as a whole has remained as one unit throughout the trip. It will be hard for everyone to leave.

Clear sky calm wind.

Pressure 1026
Wind E05
Email processed: 2009-08-27 01:36:03

wooden boats
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