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January 19th 2025 - 21:39

Pacific Grace Trip 5 2008

tracking Pacific Grace: 8 recorded positions
Last Position:
49°13'48.00 N 125°54'18.00 W
  on August 26th 2008 @ 22:00

Ship's Log:
Today being boat Sunday (7th day), our day began with a sleep in until 0930hrs(unless you went for an early dip in the springs) and then breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and fruit. We did not leave Hot Springs Cove until 1400hrs. Today we are again hiding from the strong SE wind that has been plaguing our coast. Our course took us in behind Flores Island to an anchorage on the north side of Meares Island completely protected. Before leaving the open ocean today we took a few minutes and went fishing, taking advantage of  some down time while Juniors wrote their exam. Twenty minutes later we had a Spring Salmon and Halibut on deck cleaned and filleted. Our Salmon will go into the smoker for tomorrow and the Halibut is being enjoyed by all as I write. With a break forecasted in the weather tomorrow we will begin making our way closer to Victoria and reluctantly say goodbye to this wild west coast that is always so full of life.

Overcast with rain

Pressure 1025
Wind SE10
Email processed: 2008-08-27 06:36:02

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