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July 26th 2024 - 21:23

Pacific Swift Trip 4 2008

tracking Pacific Swift: 7 recorded positions
Last Position:
49°27'52.92 N 126°26'2.40 W
  on August 13th 2008 @ 19:00

Ship's Log:
A wonderful return to normal on the west coast! The sun was trying
to break through as we got underway during breakfast. The seas were
pretty rolly but the SE wind was gone so we rolled along making good
speed over glassy seas. We had the treat of seeing serval humpbacks
breaching clear of the water as we made our way south. Around midday we
got the first puffs of NW on the backs of our necks as the rising sun
warmed us up and encouraged us to shed our layers that weīve grown
accustomed to for the last week. By 1500 there was enough of breeze to set
the courses. We started slowly, but as we set more sail the wind
continued to freshen till every single stitch of canvas was set and we
were humming along at 8knots with the scuppers pumping! What a thrill!
The joy was evident on all the faces as we finally set sail before a
fresh following breeze with the sun on our cheeks and felt the ship
truly come alive. A pretty scene evocative of the 18th century was made
as we reached into historic Hesquiat Harbour to come gracefully to
anchor under full sail. All hands worked exceedingly well and with
earnest hearts as the ship was put through her paces. Once anchored the
sun was deliciously warm as trainees eagerly swarmed aloft to stow
topsails and coil down the deck. No better conclusion could be made than
enjoying a fantastic roast beef dinner with all the fixinīs surrounded
by beautiful scenery and good company. This evening we will have our
Sunday service.

anchored, sunny, 28C

Pressure 1000
Wind NW5
Email processed: 2008-08-13 22:36:02

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