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February 9th 2025 - 10:34

Pacific SwiftTrip 2 2008

tracking Pacific Swift: 8 recorded positions
Last Position:
50°20'53.52 N 125°2'24.00 W
  on July 28th 2008 @ 18:30

Speed 1000
Ship's Log:
Spirits are high, work ethic is excellent and people are caring and
encouraging eachother in many ways. In short shipboard life is excellent
with everyone pitching in and looking after eachother. We had a great
morning at Cassel Lake and its accompaning waterfall, swimming, diving,
playing water polo and enjoying eachothers company in the tepid waters.
After we were back aboard we decided to bid farewell to the Grace and
try to spent another day sailing from anchorage to anchorage. As soon as
we were clear of the Grace we set all fore and aft sail to beat our way
out of Teakerne Arm. It was an arduous task as the breeze was fickle and
wily. However after many tacks and a lot of patience we were clear of
the Arm and running before a fresh breeze. All hands turned to, to swap
for the square sails and we made brisk progress up to Frances Bay to
wait the night for tides through the rapids tommorow. All hands are
working hard at their studies and practical seamanship. There is no
shortage of help in any of the work aboard. It is very rewarding and
encouraging. Everone is well and looking forward to the coming days and
enjoying every moment.

anchored, rain, 20C

Email processed: 2008-07-28 21:00:04

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