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January 19th 2025 - 22:58

Main Menu -> SALTS -> Pacific Swift 1991-93 Offshore -> Pacific Swift 1991-1993 Leg 2

Pacific Swift 1991-1993 Leg 2

Log of Pacific Swift

November 14th 1991 @ 12:00
20°38'11.04 N 105°14'16.80 W

Heading 170°

Ship's Log:
Start of Leg 2 - location: Puerto Vallarta

November 16th 1991 @ 04:00
18°53'60.00 N 104°45'0.00 W

Heading 130°
Speed 5.5
no log entry

November 17th 1991 @ 12:00
18°10'3.72 N 103°45'54.00 W

Heading 113°
Speed 4.5

Ship's Log:
Stopping for a 5 minute swim.

November 18th 1991 @ 04:00
17°46'59.88 N 102°46'58.80 W

Heading 105°
Speed 6.5

Ship's Log:
Everyone Well, half way to Acapulco!

Seas calm
November 19th 1991 @ 12:10
16°4'1.20 N 98°55'50.88 W

Heading 115°
Speed -2

Ship's Log:
Allīs Well, overside for a swim & visits from small birds.

November 20th 1991 @ 12:00
15°3'18.72 N 96°11'40.92 W

Heading 110°
Speed 4
no log entry

November 23rd 1991 @ 02:00
12°40'0.12 N 90°30'0.00 W

Heading 110°
Speed 5.5

Ship's Log:
ETA Costa Rica - Wed, Nov 27th

November 25th 1991 @ 02:00
10°55'0.12 N 87°20'60.00 W

Heading 110°
Speed 5

Ship's Log:
Allīs Well, under sail.

November 26th 1991 @ 12:00
9°49'59.99 N 86°45'0.00 W

Heading 120°
Speed 5
no log entry

Seas Calm
November 26th 1991 @ 22:25
9°41'57.59 N 85°29'57.48 W

Heading 110°
Speed 4

Ship's Log:
GPS on and off, spoke with Cruse Ship.

Head winds, choppy
November 27th 1991 @ 09:00
10°2'8.88 N 84°58'31.08 W

Heading 110°
Speed 4.5

Ship's Log:
Anchored Puntarenas - Shore Leave.

December 3rd 1991 @ 15:45
8°28'59.99 N 83°8'9.96 W

Heading 110°
Speed 4.5

Ship's Log:
Clear Night, lots of small fishing vessels

Anchored Golfito

December 5th 1991 @ 12:00
7°28'59.99 N 83°22'0.12 W

Heading 129°
Speed 6.5

Ship's Log:
Lots of thunder and lightning all around. Left Golfito this morning & expect to reach the canal on Sunday (Dec 8th)

December 6th 1991 @ 07:55
6°37'59.99 N 82°19'59.88 W

Heading 115°
Speed 5.5

Ship's Log:
Passed Isla Montuosa yesterday, The sea is teaming with life.

Caught a large (35lb) Mahi Mahi + a medium size one and 2 yellow fin.

December 6th 1991 @ 12:00
6°42'0.00 N 81°2'60.00 W

Heading 90°
Speed 5
no log entry

December 7th 1991 @ 12:00
7°16'0.01 N 79°32'60.00 W

Heading 89°
Speed 3.5

Ship's Log:
Slow progress, motorsailing

windy, choppy
December 8th 1991 @ 11:15
8°52'55.99 N 79°31'31.08 W

Heading 10°
Speed 4

Ship's Log:
Buzzed by a US Navy helecopter, and spoke with a US warship today. Anchored at Balboa Panama

December 9th 1991 @ 17:57
9°19'0.98 N 79°55'26.04 W

Heading 15°
Speed 4

Ship's Log:
Panama Canal Transit!
Entered the Canal at 0615h clearing last lock at 1757h

December 11th 1991 @ 12:00
10°11'60.00 N 79°46'59.88 W

Heading 10°
Speed 4.5

Ship's Log:
ETA Bay of Islands (Honduras) Dec 21st.

December 12th 1991 @ 12:00
11°58'59.88 N 79°58'0.12 W

Speed 5
no log entry

8 - 10ī swells, calmer then yesterday.
December 13th 1991 @ 12:00
13°22'59.88 N 80°17'60.00 W

Heading 5°
Speed 4.5

Ship's Log:
Sailing under Main and Jibs

December 14th 1991 @ 12:00
15°28'8.04 N 81°34'59.88 W

Heading 315°
Speed 8

Ship's Log:
Saw a glow on the horizon last night, but no image on radar.

Frequent mild rain squalls.
December 15th 1991 @ 12:00
16°21'0.00 N 83°35'60.00 W

Heading 280°
Speed 6
no log entry

Light wind and rain showers
December 16th 1991 @ 12:00
16°30'0.00 N 84°34'59.88 W

Heading 270°
Speed 6

Ship's Log:
Anchored off settlement - Guanaja (Bay Islands) Ahsore to clear customs

December 27th 1991 @ 01:45
17°0'0.00 N 87°36'3.96 W

Heading 316°
Speed 5

Ship's Log:
Sighted Amounme Point Light en-route to Belize City to clear customs

December 28th 1991 @ 08:20
17°30'0.00 N 88°12'6.12 W

Heading 327°

Ship's Log:
Anchored - Robinson Island - went ashort to explore the runied shipyard.

January 1st 1992 @ 12:00
17°30'0.00 N 88°12'6.12 W

Ship's Log:
New Year. Weighed anchor fro, Placercia this morning and back at Robinson Island now - making a new mast for the dory.

January 3rd 1992 @ 12:00
19°21'39.96 N 87°9'21.96 W

Heading 32°
Speed 1010

Ship's Log:
Cleared customes in Belize City now off the Caribbean Coast of Mexico.

2-3ī seas
January 4th 1992 @ 12:00
21°11'3.12 N 85°50'36.96 W

Heading 33°
Speed 5

Ship's Log:
Marg recuts both the Hondurian & Costa Rican Flags to create a Cuban one.

Sailing under Main Fore and Jumbo.

Light Winds
January 5th 1992 @ 07:00
22°36'0.00 N 84°37'0.12 W

Heading 30°
Speed 3

Ship's Log:
3 Freighters sighted over the last 2 hours with a slight look of light on Cabo San Antonio, Cuba last night.

January 6th 1992 @ 08:45
23°10'15.96 N 82°23'44.88 W

Heading 90°
Speed 3.5

Ship's Log:
Contact with Morro Signal Station ETA Marina Hemingway, Cuba 11am

January 10th 1992 @ 12:00
23°23'48.12 N 82°9'18.00 W

Heading 40°
Speed 8

Ship's Log:
After a few days off of shore leave and a fresh coat of paint on the hull, fresh varnish, and some new rigging and a move to the customs dock

January 11th 1992 @ 12:00
25°29'30.84 N 79°56'12.84 W

Heading 90°
Speed 7
no log entry

January 12th 1992 @ 08:00
25°46'0.12 N 80°12'0.00 W

Ship's Log:
Tied up, Bayside, Miami - for dayīs off, provisioning and to tighten the rig.

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