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Pacific Grace Trip 3 2008

Log of Pacific Grace

July 25th 2008 @ 10:03
48°25'20.64 N 123°22'12.00 W

Ship's Log:
It is a beautiful morning here in Victoria and we are eagerly
anticipating the arrival of all the trainees. Upon arrival trainees will be
assigned to a watch and we will have an extensive safety orientation and
then be underway for Desolation Sound, Johnson Strait, Queen Charlotte
Sound, and the adventures that lie between here and there. Stay Tuned...

Light overcast
July 26th 2008 @ 09:00
49°57'3.96 N 124°46'44.40 W

Ship's Log:
Post departure from Victoria at 1345 we were able to set sail off of
Clover Point in a lovely 15 knot south west breeze; no sooner did we bear
off the wind shaping our course for Baynes Channel did we reach a speed of
9.3 knots. This breeze carried us north through Haro Strait. After enjoying
a delicious dinner we lowered sail and proceeded through Active Pass.
Running through the night the trainees quickly learned the art of steering
by compass and distinguishing the lights carried by power vessels and tugs
with barges. Making our way north through Malaspina Strait we arrived at our
anchorage, Keefer Bay, Savary Island in time for breakfast. Stand by for

July 26th 2008 @ 23:50
50°11'52.80 N 124°50'52.80 W

Ship's Log:
After a wonderful game of soccer and swimming at Savary Island we pushed
further North to Desolation Sound and the solitude of Eveleigh
Anchorage.This morning brought rain and a perfect opportunity for chartwork
lessons in the comfort of the hold and aft cabin. After lunch we weighed
anchor, set sail in a light NW breeze, and began the task of beating our way
north to Teakerene Arm. As the breeze began to fill in we found that we had
excellent conditions for training all hands in the use of our Fisherman
Staysīl. To ensure that this sail sets free of the rigging between the Main
and Fore masts it is a requirement that it be dropped to the deck just prior
to putting the ship about and then reset on the new tack after switching
over the halyards and sheet. The trainees proved themselves equal to the
task and demonstrated excellent teamwork as they executed the process
repeatedly as we beat our way up Lewis Channel. The passage was made all the
more enjoyable as we sailed in company with the Pacific Swift and at one
point launched our inflatable in order to take photos of the two ships
sailing together. Once off Cassel lake falls we furled sail, dropped anchor
and prepared for the Pacific Swift to tie alongside. We were then treated to
the surfacing of a Humpback whale - the offical welcoming party to Teakerene
Arm. Stay tuned for more...

Slight overcast
July 28th 2008 @ 23:50
50°18'44.28 N 125°13'37.20 W

Ship's Log:
Another full and wonderful day. We are all feeling greatful for the
opportunities a voyage such as this affords. We were blessed with a great
start to the day with home made granola and home made yogurt; just one
example of the attention to detail and care offered by our cooks - Leighsa
and Kelsey. After breakfast all hands were ferried to the waterfall where we
were pressure washed by the tumbling falls. After a sufficient shower we
went back to the Grace for tea and further study while we waited for the
Swift crew to return from the lake. Once it was our turn at the lake, fun
was had with water Frisbee games, and many completed intermediate swim
tests. After lunch we weighed anchor and made hast for slack water at Hole
in The Wall, the gateway to Johnstone Strait. During the passage minds were
occupied with the remainder of  junior lessons, while the intermediates
learned to check tides and practised the fine art of splicing. We are now
anchored up snugly in Owen Bay, awaiting another busy and fulfilling day.
More to come...

July 29th 2008 @ 20:00
50°31'22.80 N 125°33'28.80 W

Ship's Log:
Morning clean-up took place underway today as we got going to take
advantage of the slack tide in Upper Rapids at the north end of Okisollo
Channel. Upon entry into Discovery Passage had the unique opportunity to
report a bear foraging on the beach. We have been treated to many such
sightings as Bald Eagles and  Rhinoceros Auklets. At 1000 we found ourselves
abeam Bear Point, Johnstone Strait and set sail. The day continued with
showers off and on as we enjoyed a lovely following breeze pushing us at
speeds between 6 and 8 knots. Two trainees took advantage of the abundance
of fresh water falling from the sky and lathered up their hair as if they
were aspiring offshore trainees. Trainees are taking on increasing
responsibility in the handling of sail. Colin loosed the main topsail and
Catherine loosed the jib topsail. At 1515 the wind switch abruptly to the
northwest forcing us to beat the rest of the way north through Johnstone
Strait. David and Kayden furled the main topsail while Kyle assisted with
the furling on the headsails. We are now anchored in Boat Bay, which lies to
the north east of the infamous Robson Bight. Standby for more...

July 30th 2008 @ 23:50
50°55'13.08 N 126°49'55.20 W

Ship's Log:
Today started with setting full sail out of Boat Bay to continue our
journey up Johnstone Strait, Blackfish Sound, Salmon Channel, and Wells
Passage to our anchorage tonight in Hoy Bay. While quietly sailing along we
were graced with an abundance of wildlife, including a sea lion eating a
salmon being eyed-up by a bald eagle, numerous orcas, a humpback, and a
minke whale! Juniors wrote their test today while Intermediates ran the
deck. Kayden, Adam, and Kobus furled the main topsīl today, while Sam and
Kyle White furled the fore topsīl, and Rita, Alicia, and Steve furled the
headsails. This evenings mug-up included a rousing game of "Murder Mystery"
(a boat version of the game "Clue,") and great singing. The day concluded
with many trainees sharing feelings of gratitude for what they have been
learning during this voyage and appreciation for their development as a team
thus far.

July 31st 2008 @ 23:08
50°54'21.96 N 127°16'30.00 W

Ship's Log:
Today was wet and windless. We attempted fishing for halibut but
unfortunately ended up with nothing to show for our efforts. From Hoy Bay we
travelled back out Wells Passage and then NW to our anchorage at Blunden
Harbour. Despite the rain the trainees enthusiastically ventured out in the
ships dories to explore the beauty of what was once a large native village.
Today was boat Sunday (day 7) so a simple service was held after the
traditional roast beef dinner with all the trimmings; which was made by
first mate Antony who was making a guest appearance as cook for the day. We
were also excited to celebrate Kyle Bīs Birthday today with singing, special
mug up and a "Birthday Boy" pin that Kyle happily wore for the whole day.
Stay tuned for more...

August 1st 2008 @ 00:08
50°43'22.80 N 127°29'13.20 W

Ship's Log:
Well we have arrived safely in Port Hardy and now once again have a signal to send the log with. To recap the last two days: from Blunder harbour we sailed most of our way, beating against a fresh northwest breeze to Allison Harbour, a long narrow inlet, just to the east of Schooner Passage. At the head of Allison Harbour we hiked a rainforest trail to a beautiful freshwater lake. On day 9 we took advantage of calm and sun to explore Burnett Bay. Once ashore we were retreated to a beautiful sandy beach. After lunch ashore and a rousing game of sticks we doried back to the Grace feeling a slight westerly swell, unfamiliar to the rest of the inside passage. From Burnett Bay we travelled to Port Alexander, where we spent our last night in solitude. We enjoyed a wonderful talent show put on by all hands and a final hearty round of singing. We had a peaceful last morning, with the trainees spending their last hours in fun, conversation, and trading email addresses. It was great to witness the reuinion of trainees with family. God Bless.


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