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Main Menu -> SALTS -> Pacific Grace 2003 Offshore -> Pacific Grace 2003 Leg 4

Pacific Grace 2003 Leg 4

Log of Pacific Grace

April 22nd 2004 @ 22:45
21°34'12.00 N 159°12'36.00 W

Ship's Log:
With all on board and one last day in Honolulu we were off this morning at 0400hrs. we enjoyed a glorious sail, hanging from the bowsprit and out haul swing, a Dorado took our hook in time for a after dinner snack and at 2130 we tied up to our dock in nawiliwili hrb.

All are well, with some feeling a little queezy after a taste of the pacific.

Mainly clear, light trade.
May 1st 2004 @ 15:15
22°15'36.00 N 159°7'48.00 W

Heading 355°
Speed 5.5

Ship's Log:
well after a great stay in kauai we are off. Our days were spent touring the island by car, foot and taxi. Trainees were hiking, snorkeling, finding secluded beaches and most of all surfing. We have quite a well established surfing team aboard the grace. Boards have been given to us during our stay and many have been out for lessons from the best. Everyone is excited to be out at sea once again and to begin another crossing.

Departing at 0900 this morning we hope to make Vancouver island in 18 to 20 days, weather permitting of course. All are well with the exception of a couple of green faces.

mostly clear,lumpy
May 3rd 2004 @ 16:00
27°28'12.00 N 159°13'12.00 W

Heading 20°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
<bl>still motor sailing with light ne wind. making steady progress towards the north side of this pacific high which is where we will then turn east and head for home. more smiling faces today as people get used to this uncomfortable motion. caught a dorado today which was dressed by kenny and cooked by adam, delicious. trade wind clouds and flying fish are our surroundings today.<el>

<bo>lumpy sea with a northerly swell.<eo>
May 4th 2004 @ 20:55
30°25'48.00 N 158°17'24.00 W

Heading 40°
Speed 6.5

Ship's Log:
Motorsailing w light east wind. heading for 40n and 150w in hopes of some favorable wind. Temps are chilly. we have a die hard team of tropic chesters. A few of the guys have a contest going to see who can remain bare chested the longest. Rules state that you must be on deck for at least 4 hrs./day and you can don a shirt from sunset to sunrise. I´ll keep you posted on the most manly of the men.

Teaching is underway as is maintenance and various clubs. All are well.

overcast with occas. rain.
May 5th 2004 @ 20:45
32°34'48.00 N 157°4'12.00 W

Heading 35°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
More of the same today. We did dine on fresh pretzel´s for lunch
though, made by our in house bread team. Cheep cook books were to be had in
Kauai so we have made a deal to have a unique bread each week. This week it
was pretzel´s next week it will be Italian ciabata. Oh yes we lost three
bare chests today to the frigid north pacific weather, only three remain in
this torturous, he-man competition. Names worthy of mention are Peter, Nick
M and Kenny, good luck men. Still motorsailing for the 40th p.
A short three hour sail was enjoyed by everyone when a favorable wind
visited briefly.

Mostly overcast today, cleared just before dark, calm sea.
May 6th 2004 @ 19:50
35°7'48.00 N 155°21'36.00 W

Heading 40°
Speed 6

Ship's Log:
albacore today at 20lbs just in time for lunch. three manly men still standing. finally shut down engines at 1100hrs. also today we enjoyed a drive by the waser bridge, a large container ship that altered course and came over to have a look. he came within 100m before he altered again and was off to korea. we were the first vessel they had seen since panama. all are well and enjoying the sailing.

wet,overcast and sailing
May 8th 2004 @ 01:50
37°6'36.00 N 153°0'0.00 W

Heading 45°
Speed 6.5

Ship's Log:
Strange wind shifts during a rainy night last night kept us busy from
1200-0400hrs and now no wind, such is the north pac.

We lost a he man today to the frigid temps we are having each day (not really) Kenny, our island boy from Denman fell to temptation and appeared on deck this morning in a cosy looking sweater with a look of relief on his face. So our competition is down to Peter and Nick M, both maintaining the standard of four hrs a day on deck topless.

Mug up today was supplied by the wee Anderson baking trio. Chocolate cup cakes all round!

calm and mostly clear.
May 9th 2004 @ 03:20
38°25'12.00 N 151°13'12.00 W

Heading 40°
Speed 4.5

Ship's Log:
Snugged down last night under trysail, fore and jumbo as we wait for
this low pressure system to calm down. Progress will be slower until the
weather gets back to normal, probably a day or so. All are well and our two
remaining ´he-men´ have called a draw, so we have two winners, Peter and
Nick M. congrats guys.

lumpy sea, mainly overcast.
May 10th 2004 @ 21:45
40°2'24.00 N 148°25'48.00 W

Heading 50°
Speed 5

Ship's Log:
So the world really is a small place. today we heard a call on the
radio from a nearby sailing vessel. Due to the fog this vessel put out a
safety call to alert others of his position. I responded as i thought it
might be a large deep sea ship headed our way. It turns out this vessel is
a Victorian boat we met in Mexico. More interesting is the ´Western Grace´
was under construction at the same time as the Pacific Grace and our Grace
was instrumental in the naming of the Western Grace. at present we are only
6 miles apart. John and his crew left Hawaii the same day we did and is
heading for Juan de Fuca strait. How weird is that? Tomorrow I am thinking
of asking him if he would like to have one of those 200 yr. old meetings at
sea where one captain comes over for a visit and you enjoyed a cup of tea
together while one declares war on the other. I have nothing against john,
so war is not on the agenda, but a mid ocean tea party could be fun.
All are well and enjoying the calmer weather.

fog,light wind and calm seas.
May 11th 2004 @ 22:00
41°34'48.00 N 147°33'36.00 W

Heading 55°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
Chilly day today as we were in and out of the fog. We have been keeping a daily sched. with our friends on the western grace and today we within 5 miles of each other. We still have not had a chance to see one another.

Say if anyone at home knows the status of the hockey playoffs the fans on-board cannot wait for some news. News can be sent to the grace through the salts office.

All are well despite the inclement weather.

cold, foggy, calm
May 13th 2004 @ 00:05
43°23'60.00 N 144°19'48.00 W

Heading 55°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
Wonderful day of sailing today. Most of our day was spent with reefed
main, fore, jumbo and jib doing between 10 and 11 kts. Thrilling for
everyone. At that speed we left our friends aboard the western grace
behind, but we still remain in touch twice daily. Everyone is well and
enjoying the sailing and the passage in general.
Only 750 miles as of today, amazing.

May 14th 2004 @ 00:05
45°1'48.00 N 141°15'36.00 W

Heading 50°
Speed 6

Ship's Log:
Another day of great sailing today spent at speeds of 8-10 kts. Sun was
out for most of the day but more clouds moved in near supper time. Last
couple of days we have had the odd small bird come and visit us, tiny birds
that would fit into your hand. We look at them and say what are you doing
800 miles from land? I don´t think they know either.
All well and looking forward to fresh pie for breakfast tomorrow. Apple,
blueberry, pumpkin and cherry, not bad eh. To think you all at home thought
we thrived on salt pork and hard tack.

Misty with a light south wind.
May 15th 2004 @ 15:35
47°7'48.00 N 136°25'12.00 W

Heading 55°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
Great meals we have been enjoying lately. Yesterday we were treated to
fresh Italian Ciabatta bread for lunch and our cooking team went all out
and made over 400 perogies for dinner. These served with delicious ham made
for a memorable meal. Everyone was so stuffed at the end of the meal that a
brisk walk around the block was enjoyed by all. Also we saw our fifth deep
sea vessel yesterday, its always a strange feeling to see another boat out
here. All are well and looking forward to a hot tub soak in port hardy. Our
plan is to clear into Canada in Port Hardy then hop down the west coast
visiting all our favorite spots as we make our way closer to victoria.

Overcast,  cool and calm
May 16th 2004 @ 20:15
48°31'48.00 N 133°9'0.00 W

Heading 55°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
Today when we awoke the sea was like a mill pond, glassy smooth and
hardly a swell. Not too good for us sailors but great weather for the swim
team. About 15 people braved the icy north pacific just so they could say
they did. Needless to say the swim stop was not of the luxurious tropical
60 minute type, but was over and done with inside 15 min.
Making steady progress and all are well.

calm and overcast
May 18th 2004 @ 09:30
50°31'48.00 N 127°34'48.00 W

Heading 105°
Speed 8

Ship's Log:
Made a run for cape Scott last night to beat the forcasted gale that is
on its way. Fantastic sailing as we approached the coast. Gale prediction
is early so we missed the gale force winds. All yesterday was spent in nw
wind at 25 kts + close on the bow as we made for the tip of the island.
Rounded Cape Scott this morning at 0500hrs and now are making good progress
towards port hardy. All are well and looking forward to a hot tub at the
pool on arrival.bitter sweet sensation is running strong onboard, many want
to remain at sea traveling.

May 21st 2004 @ 23:30
50°25'12.00 N 127°17'24.00 W

Ship's Log:
Hi everyone, I apologize for my tardiness. I neglected to share the
news of our arrival in port hardy. We arrived on the 18th and have been enjoying our stay in every way. From games of soccer, ultimate frisby, swimming, fresh halibut from fishermen friends, dinners out and more our stay here has been great.
Tonight was the climax. We arranged to rent the local pool and have our very own pool party. From 8-10 all roamed freely from hot tub to sauna to main pool and of course the goodie table, spread with every possible item of junk food imaginable. We had a wonderful time together with the pool to ourselves. Our hope is to leave tomorrow and begin heading south on the west side of the island. Once again we are weather bound though so we will have to look for another weather window.

All are well and enjoying the treats of home.

Overcast in the evening and clear during the day
May 22nd 2004 @ 21:05
50°16'12.00 N 128°5'60.00 W

Heading 120°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
Left Port Hardy at 0900 today and headed towards Cape Scott. We were
planning to wait for weather in Bull Hrb. as it was blowing 40 at Sartine
Island just NW of the cape. As we approached open water it looked as if we
were getting the hoped for break, so we proceeded. Twenty miles east of the
cape we set sail and enjoyed one of the most beautiful sails this voyage.
Wind was 25-30 NW, we set trysail, fore and jumbo. Initially we were close
reaching and as the day progressed and we made progress on Vancouver Island
as a lee shore we could sail further off the wind. Our day was spent at 6-9
kts with big seas, clear skies and a thrilling view of Vancouver Island to
Everything was so clear and fresh, very much alive and full of life. We
live in a very beautiful part of the world. When the sun is out here on the
west coast everything shines. Tomorrrow we are planning a halibut and
salmon fishing derby before again turning south for the Rugged Point area.
All well.

May 23rd 2004 @ 22:05
49°34'48.00 N 127°8'24.00 W

Ship's Log:
So, another unforgettable day aboard the grace. Our fishing derby did not last that long though. Our lines were in the water an hour before slack  and after we had made an improvised down rigger. Ten minutes later we had  two spring salmon on-board. One at 18lbs and one at 25lbs. As this was  enough fish for lunch we stopped fishing, too bad eh. They were fabulous,  and all were eaten. Afterwards we set sail and raced around brooks with a  18 kt breeze. Anchoring at rugged after a delightful roast beef dinner...

Tough hey?

Tomorrow is a beach day with possible surfing as well. All are well.

Clear and calm
May 24th 2004 @ 21:00
49°28'48.00 N 127°7'12.00 W

Heading 140°
Speed 5

Ship's Log:
A day of sun, sand and surf. A great day at rugged point. We are now
heading south under courses bound for hot springs cove for, yes, another
hot bath.

Light overcast, light northerly.
May 25th 2004 @ 21:30
49°12'36.00 N 126°9'0.00 W

Ship's Log:
Oh sweet it is to be soaking in 106 degree water
looking out over the pacific! Yes we are here at hot springs cove and
enjoying every minute. Our thoughts have drifted here more than a few times
in the last month of chilly night watches. The pace aboard is slow while we
take in the springs, two,three possibly four times a day. Tomorrow night we
are planning a candle light soak late in the evening before bed,
All are well ( how could you not be ) and we will keep in touch. Our plan
is to be here for a couple of days.

May 28th 2004 @ 19:40
48°18'36.00 N 124°22'12.00 W

Heading 115°
Speed 7

Ship's Log:
We left the springs today with great memories. Warm baths 2-3 times a
day.peaceful walks through the forest and springs cove is a
provincial park located 20 miles north of Tofino. Accessible only by boat
or plane it truly is a small bit of paradise.the springs themselves are
found in a 60´ gorge and have 6 pools naturally formed by the pooling water
as it flows from the source to the sea.last night we all went for a later
soak and had small tea lights set up throughout the gorge. picture if you
can a softly lit passage through the rocks with small groups chatting
quietly amongst the mist. late into the night everyone enjoyed the
atmosphere and the walk home along the 2 km boardwalk through the
forest.during our stay two of our trainees had a thrilling fishing
experience.leaving just before supper and heading out to sea in one of the
grace´s dories our team had visions of halibut dancing in their heads.
Three hours later and heading for home with time left for just one more
pass of the lucky spot, things began to happen. trolling for salmon and no
longer thinking of halibut the catch hit. without a gaff, net or standard
´fish-bonker´ our brave team landed a 30lb halibut as the sun was
setting.this fish fed everyone to bursting last night. We figured their
luck was due to the fact that they had chosen a banks dory off a fishing
schooner as their mode of transportation. We are making steady progress
toward home and all are well.

calm water and mostly clear.
May 29th 2004 @ 21:50
48°3'36.00 N 122°27'0.00 W

Ship's Log:
Last night under the cover of darkness we slipped by victoria heading
for port Townsend. I think we fooled most people and were mainly
undetected. We cleared customs at 0800hrs this morning with a very cheerful
customs officer. We are tied up to a brand new dock that has been offered
to us at no charge. As well our reception here has been second to none.
People are constantly visiting the boat, congratulating trainees in town
and welcoming them home, offering all kinds of help from showers and
laundry to vehicles and free drinks at the local pub. Trainees are enjoying
the town with all the small cafes, book stores and many ice cream outlets.
We will be here for a couple of days before re-entering Canada at an
undisclosed port,

Overcast with light showers
June 1st 2004 @ 23:20
48°19'12.00 N 123°0'0.00 W

Ship's Log:
Left Port Townsend today at noon after a wonderful visit and many new
friends. Pacific Grace and everyone on board were so warmly welcomed in
many ways.
Our destination today was Friday Hrb. on San Juan island. Our trip over was
uneventful in the area of sailing but quite eventful in meeting former
trainees and trainees parents. It is obvious that many are following our
progress and watching out for us. Once again upon arrival we were very well
received by the locals and look forward to exploring tomorrow. Scott
Spalding´s parents live here in Friday Hrb. and have invited the ships
compliment up to their house for a barbecue tomorrow night. Word on the
deck is that they own a hot tub also...
all are well and enjoying these last few days together.

Calm and clearing
June 4th 2004 @ 21:45
48°32'24.00 N 123°15'0.00 W

Ship's Log:
After a delightful barby at the Spaulding´s home on San Juan island and
another great nights sleep alongside in Friday Hrb. we sailed north to
Pender Island and poets cove. Poets Cove is a dressed up Bedwell Harbour.
Beautiful, clean and expensive. We enjoyed one night tied to the dock which
gave us full privileges to use pool and hot tub, all new as of the end of
may. Our sail back into Canada was an all day affair with everything set
and working the grace through the channels and against the tide. Today  was
spent traveling north to Galiano Island where Mike G´s parents have a bed
and breakfast on the water. They also have a new large ice cream maker,
which was the real reason for our visit. Upon arrival we were treated with
fresh mint chocolate chip as a welcome home flavour. It sure is nice to
have such great people conveniently spaced along the coast. Tonight we had
our final dinner and are now anchored and about to have mug up. Last dinner
for leg three was turkey complete with all the fixings. Baked Brie and
garlic for Appetizers and baked apples for desert. Please no more food.....

Light overcast,light wind

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