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January 16th 2025 - 12:56

Main Menu -> User Voyages -> MV Transporter -> MV Transporter 2006

MV Transporter 2006

Log of MV Transporter

16°23'24.00 N 67°1'48.00 W

Heading 240°
Speed 15.7

Ship's Log:
Passed Sombrerro passage this afternoon, plenty dolphins where jump=
ing in the deep blue water.

Very clear sky, A lot of stars to see right now. Outside temperatur=
e of 26 degrees, seawater temperature of 29 degrees
1°20'24.00 N 85°25'48.00 W

Heading 224°
Speed 15
no log entry

January 26th 2006 @ 15:09
39°0'36.00 N 30°0'36.00 W

Heading 108°
Speed 14

Ship's Log:
This evening we are sailing through the Acores, Maybe there´s a pos=
sibilty to send some sms to home!!:-)Our ETA at Strait of Gibraltar is =
monday the 30rd.

Partly Clouded sky, Good visibility
January 27th 2006 @ 15:14
37°32'24.00 N 23°3'36.00 W

Heading 97°
Speed 13

Ship's Log:
Our ETA at Sagunto is tuesday morning.

20 degrees outside, so the weather is getting better!! Party cloude=
d sky, moderate confused swell, still rolling and pitching.
January 28th 2006 @ 10:40
37°10'12.00 N 18°3'36.00 W

Heading 98°
Speed 12.6

Ship's Log:
We´re still rolling and pitching and sometimes slamming. It is worse then yesterday but, tuesday we arrive so hopefully we can enjoy the spanish beaches:-)

Overcast, Moderate NE Swell
January 29th 2006 @ 10:01
36°19'48.00 N 11°26'60.00 W

Heading 98°
Speed 14.8

Ship's Log:
Monday morning early we are sailing through Gibraltar, you no what =
that means brother:-) i expect some SMS!!!

Partly clouded sky, rain showers, low swell from the North
January 30th 2006 @ 07:15
35°32'24.00 N 6°5'60.00 W

Heading 87°
Speed 15
no log entry

January 30th 2006 @ 09:10
35°32'60.00 N 5°21'36.00 W

Heading 72°
Speed 15
no log entry

January 30th 2006 @ 09:45
35°34'48.00 N 5°15'0.00 W

Heading 77°
Speed 15
no log entry

January 30th 2006 @ 20:00
36°18'36.00 N 2°16'12.00 W

Heading 77°
Speed 16

Ship's Log:
Tuesday afternoon we arrive at Sagunto. Discharging will start wedn=
esday morning at 08.00!!Whoehoe tuesday night(tomorrow for me) we wil c=
heck out the night life in Sagunto!!MUCHO CERVEZAS!!!

Easy moving vessel, finally no pitching and rolling!!!Nice tempatur=
e outside
January 30th 2006 @ 21:25
36°21'36.00 N 2°0'0.00 W

Heading 51°
Speed 15
no log entry

January 31st 2006 @ 05:30
37°19'48.00 N 0°18'36.00 W

Heading 34°
Speed 10
no log entry

January 31st 2006 @ 21:10
39°23'24.00 N 0°7'48.00 W
no log entry

February 2nd 2006 @ 01:15
41°3'36.00 N 1°7'48.00 E
no log entry

February 2nd 2006 @ 22:37
40°27'36.00 N 1°5'24.00 E

Heading 189°
Speed 14.8
no log entry

February 3rd 2006 @ 00:00
39°16'48.00 N 0°0'1.00 E

Heading 8°
Speed 6

Ship's Log:
We are rolling up to 40 degrees!! Tonight 20.00 Pilot at Sagunto

February 3rd 2006 @ 00:00
36°20'24.00 N 2°16'12.00 W

Heading 257°
Speed 14.7

Ship's Log:
Saturday morning we are passing Gibraltar, then moving to the North ETA at New Castle wednesday evening.

Easy moving vessel, Good visibility and temparture of 14 degrees
February 4th 2006 @ 05:00
36°2'24.00 N 5°2'60.00 W

Heading 257°
Speed 14
no log entry

February 4th 2006 @ 09:15
35°35'24.00 N 6°6'36.00 W

Heading 288°
Speed 14
no log entry

February 4th 2006 @ 20:00
36°26'24.00 N 9°0'36.00 W

Heading 286°
Speed 12.8

Ship's Log:
Eta at New Castle still wednesday morning.

Slightly pitching vessel, good visibility.
February 6th 2006 @ 19:42
46°25'12.00 N 7°6'36.00 W

Heading 27°
Speed 14.4

Ship's Log:
Eta At New Castle Thursday morning 06.00

10 degrees, Swell is East low, Slight sea
February 8th 2006 @ 20:00
53°31'48.00 N 0°19'48.00 E

Heading 326°
Speed 8.5

Ship's Log:
Thursday morning we arrive at New Castle Pilot station. We will sta=
y there for 10 days. Then we are going to Le Trait. we will stay there =
for about 14 days!!

Stormy weather, Heavy pitching vessel
March 5th 2006 @ 22:00
47°9'36.00 N 7°5'24.00 W

Heading 208°
Speed 15.5

Ship's Log:
In 2 weeks we will arrive at Panama Canal, for transit. After Trans=
it we will cross the south Pacific heading for New Plymouth

Slightly rolling vessel, pretty nice weather.
March 6th 2006 @ 20:00
42°25'48.00 N 11°2'24.00 W

Heading 219°
Speed 14.6

Ship's Log:
We just past Finisterre Tss (North West Spain)

Slightly rolling vessel, moderate visibility
March 7th 2006 @ 20:00
38°2'60.00 N 15°33'36.00 W

Heading 218°
Speed 15.2

Ship's Log:
Arrival at New Zealand will be approximately 7th of april. Accordin=
g to the planning we will stay there for 1 month. Something to look out=
 for. But first we planned a barbeque this weekend!!

Nw low swell, smooth sea, nice weather tempature is 18 degrees
March 8th 2006 @ 20:00
34°22'48.00 N 22°3'36.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 15.4

Ship's Log:
Everybody´s enjoying the nice weather, according the weather foreca=
st it´s gonna stay like this for the next couple days

Easy going vessel, seawater tempature of 19 degrees
March 9th 2006 @ 20:00
32°5'24.00 N 28°25'48.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 15
no log entry

March 12th 2006 @ 08:30
25°30'36.00 N 44°35'24.00 W

Heading 247°
Speed 15.2

Ship's Log:
Last night we had a barbeque, it was a very nice evening. To bad th=
at the day after give some little problems.

Tempature of 26 Degrees outside, NW swell
March 12th 2006 @ 20:00
24°25'12.00 N 47°32'60.00 W

Heading 247°
Speed 15
no log entry

March 13th 2006 @ 20:00
22°9'36.00 N 53°35'24.00 W

Heading 247°
Speed 15.4

Ship's Log:
ETA at Cristobal (Entrance panama canal) saturday around 12.00 Loca=
l Time (17.00 GMT)

Weather is still good
March 14th 2006 @ 20:00
19°28'48.00 N 60°6'36.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 15.4

Ship's Log:
It was a very hot day, with from wind from behind we had almost no =
wind onboard. My skin is a little coloured so that´s a good thing. Tomm=
orow noon we are sailing through Sombrerro Passage between the Virgin I=
sland into the carribean sea.

Outside temperature is 25 degrees, seawater temperature is 28 degre=
es. Partly clouded sky
March 16th 2006 @ 20:00
14°1'48.00 N 71°29'24.00 W

Heading 240°
Speed 15.2
no log entry

March 17th 2006 @ 20:00
10°27'36.00 N 77°24'36.00 W

Heading 241°
Speed 15.6

Ship's Log:
Arrival at Cristobal saturday morning at 0600. At 1700 we will ente=
r the Canal

March 19th 2006 @ 20:00
6°25'48.00 N 80°17'60.00 W

Heading 227°
Speed 15.9

Ship's Log:
Last night we had our transit through the Panama Canal. Was a very =
nice expirience. Now it´s 18 days sailing before we arrive at New Plymo=

Just really nice weather
March 23rd 2006 @ 20:00
7°24'36.00 S 100°19'12.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 16

Ship's Log:
Crossed the equator 2 days ago. Saturday Neptunes will come onboard=

March 26th 2006 @ 20:00
15°13'48.00 S 117°30'0.00 W

Heading 247°
Speed 15.2

Ship's Log:
Saturday I was baptized because we crossed the equator last week. N=
eptune came onboard and punished me. But...He gave me my certificate an=
d my sea name from now on is SLIJKSPRINGER.

March 28th 2006 @ 14:00
19°31'48.00 S 128°7'12.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 15.2

Ship's Log:
ETA at New Plymouth is thursday the 7th

Weather is still good
March 28th 2006 @ 20:00
20°18'36.00 S 129°25'12.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 15.7
no log entry

March 30th 2006 @ 20:00
25°13'48.00 S 141°10'48.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 15

Ship's Log:
ETA at New Plymouth the 7th of April, if everyting is going allrigh=
t off course. Today we we where drifting because one fuel line was leak=

April 2nd 2006 @ 04:00
31°4'48.00 S 155°27'36.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 13.4
no log entry

April 2nd 2006 @ 20:00
32°22'12.00 S 159°21'36.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 13.3

Ship's Log:
Almost finished my last project, 10 days more and i´m finished with=
 my apprentice time.

Wehad some showers today, We expect some bad weather for Friday, th=
e day of arrival at New Plymouth
April 6th 2006 @ 20:00
39°17'60.00 S 178°11'60.00 W

Heading 246°
Speed 15.1

Ship's Log:
Last night we skipped 5 April because we will pass the Date line to=
night. The office came with new plans. They said that we have to anchor=
 at Wellington. So we will be there tommorow if the weather will allow =

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