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Main Menu -> SALTS -> 2012 SALTS Summer Programme -> 2012 Trip 3 - Pacific Swift

2012 Trip 3 - Pacific Swift

Log of Pacific Swift

July 27th 2012 @ 11:00
48°25'45.84 N 123°22'22.80 W

Ship's Log:
Trip 3 - Looking forward to welcoming trainees aboard between 1100 hours and 1200 hours on Friday, July 27, 2012 at Ship Point in Victoriaīs inner harbour!

July 27th 2012 @ 22:00
49°7'22.80 N 123°35'60.00 W

Ship's Log:
Great beginning to our trip today. Many returning trainees welcoming newer ones and a lovely south wind that allowed us to set sail shortly after leaving Victoria. We set sail at Trial Island and enjoyed a boisterous sail northward into the Gulf Islands. Making our way north through Active Pass we were met with a calm spell for a period until the wind returned as we neared Jervis Inlet, our destination. Upon entering Jervis Inlet we found our selves sailing again with a favourable breeze. Our final destination for the second day was up into Princess Louisa Inlet, a small spectacularly beautiful filled with many waterfalls. We counted 34 waterfalls in this short inlet . We were in good time to make the narrows at Malibu Rapids after sailing the whole of Jervis Inlet so we took the opportunity to stop for a swim in the warm waters near Camp Mailibu. Transiting the pass at 1600hrs allowed us to be at anchor by supper time. What an unbelievable setting for a one sitting deck dinner. Surrounded by six thousand foot mountains rising out of the inlet, snow capped peaks all around and waterfalls, waterfalls, waterfalls. Great games on deck as we enjoyed the changing colours as the evening approached.

Calm and clear
July 29th 2012 @ 21:00
50°12'11.88 N 123°46'37.20 W

Ship's Log:
We woke this morning to a breathtaking sunrise over the mountain setting described previously. As soon as the sun was up everyone felt the heat and the decision to make our way to Chatterbox Falls was made. All enjoyed a morning swim in the chilly glacial waters. Back at the boat swimming was the name of the game. Some swam back from the beach most swam off the boat jumping in from various parts of the ship. The surrounding sea water in Princess Louisa Inlet is very swimmable this time of year and all enjoyed near to an hour in the water. Having to make the tide again at Malibu Rapids we were under way again today by 1500hrs and at 1630hrs navigated the narrow pass waving to all the campers at Camp Malibu as we slid by the pool. We are now heading down Jervis Inlet and again will turn north soon and make our way towards Desolation Sound and a get together with the Grace. All are well and becoming closer as a group by the minute. Great sun, wind and water.

Calm and clear
July 30th 2012 @ 16:00
49°57'7.92 N 124°46'33.60 W

Ship's Log:
We elected to anchor last night at the entrance to Jervis Inlet in hopes that the wind might return today to help us along our way northwards. We were thrilled this morning to wake up to a 10-12 knot southerly wind and Swift tugging gently at her mooring ready to go. Anchor was up at 0600hrs and by 0700hrs we all sail set and were scudding along at 6 kts making for Savary Island which lies at the entrance to Desolation Sound. Our favourable breeze kept up with us and allowed us to anchor under sail in Keefer Bay on the north side of Savary. After lunch all went ashore for an energetic game of sticks on the expansive south beach. Savary is really a jewel of an island. White sand beaches, warm water, sun and friendly locals. It is always a treat to visit. Time seems to stand still here. With all back on the boat we are off to Teakerne Arm and Cassel Lake falls to meet up with the Grace for a joint mug up. We have a wonderful group of trainees this trip who are already working so smoothly together. They usually hang out together and genuinely enjoy each others company. All are well and enjoying the sunny warm weather.

Light SE wind, mostly clear skies
August 1st 2012 @ 10:30
50°24'18.00 N 125°49'12.00 W

Ship's Log:
We did manage to meet up with the Grace not last night but the night before at Teakerne Arm. Our two boats rafted up together and near 1930hrs and we all enjoyed an evening of sharing stories, games and mugup in the Grace's hold. Yesterday began with a trip to Cassel Lake Falls for a boring shower and then a leisurely hike up passed the falls to Cassel Lake. Cassel Lake is one of the warmest areas we get the chance to enjoy during our ten day summer trips and without fail our group were in the water for over an hour, swimming, logrolling and balancing. The sun was shinning so the remote setting was even more stunning in the warmth. Departing by 1200hrs we were headed north to make slack water at Yuculta and Dent Rapids. Both these narrows boast currents up to 11 its when full flood is running so our goal was to pass through at slack water. Both also are very beautiful in their coastal setting as well. Snow capped peaks, islands everywhere and an abundance of Bald Eagles waiting in the trees lining the waters edge for unsuspecting stray salmon, we counted 20 in total. Last night was spent in Bickley Bay which is on route to Johnstone Strait, our goal for today. As the wind is light we are making a run up Johnstone Strait towards Alert Bay. Northerly winds are forecasted for this area in the next couple of days so moving north now will allow us to enjoy them farther up rather than battle with as we make our way north.
Juniors are writing their chart work exams today and Intermediates are preparing for theirs in a day or two.
All are well.

Light overcast, calm and a little cooler
August 3rd 2012 @ 11:50
50°47'50.28 N 127°2'56.40 W

Ship's Log:
We did arrive at Alert Bay since my last log and enjoyed a wonderful visit at this unique community. We are always well received here and during the first couple of hours this visit had gifts of fresh salmon from the locals. We arrived at 1730hrs on the 1st and after dinner walked up the hill to spend the evening playing a variety of games on the school field. Soccer, rugby and ultimate frisbee were the games of choice. With everyone well "run" mug up and sleep was an easy end to our day. After a quick visit to the local store we were off north again in search of wind. Shortly after leaving Alert Bay a delightful NW wind began to build so we set sail and made our way north eastwards towards the mainland coast. For the remainder of the day we enjoyed a wonderfully boisterous sail over towards Wells Passage in the Broughton Group. With a NW wind of 20kts off the port beam we were seeing Swift at her best racing along at 9+ kts. Mainsail, Foresail, staysail, jib, jib topsail, and main topsail all drawing beautifully was a striking sight to all who came near to us during this crossing. Last night was spent in Tracey Harbour located on Broughton Island. Its a quiet harbour and the wind followed us most of the way to the harbour entrance. Today was our sleep in day so all dreamed (except the cook) until 0900hrs. Melanie had a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausages, fruit and more for us to enjoy. Presently we are heading north towards a small harbour known as Allison Harbour. We hope to build a sauna on the beach here and be in good position for the sail back towards Port Hardy in the next day or so.
All are well and growing stronger as a team with each day spent together.

Light West wind, fog
August 4th 2012 @ 23:00
51°6'14.40 N 127°40'58.80 W

Ship's Log:
] I have given the position of our most northern point reached during this voyage. Last night was spent in Allison Harbour NW from Tracey Harbour. We had "Boat Sunday" yesterday and enjoyed a Sunday service together after dinner under the stars as the sun went down. Today we left Allison Harbour and moved a bit further north to one of this coasts many isolated beaches. Burnett Bay lies just south of Cape Caution and is not usually accessible due to its exposure to the sea from the west. With today's forecast of calm weather for the morning we decided to give Burnett a try. Our passage from Allison was in complete fog. Dense fog remained until we had shuttled all the trainees ashore. Even though we were only 700 feet from shore nothing could be seen from the boat. Shortly after arriving on the beach the fog cleared and the beauty of this beach and general area was revealed in all its splendour . Everyone enjoyed a great visit ashore and were back to the boat in time to set sail as the wind had started to build. With all back on board we enjoyed a memorable sail south to our present anchorage in the Walker Islands just 10 miles from Port Hardy. We have been treated with stunning vistas of the BC coast, Orca whales playing off our bow, eagles salmon fishing in the currents of Yuculta Rapids and a "whale a day" for the last couple of days with Grays and Humpbacks coming to visit. Our group is one of the closest groups we have had the pleasure of sailing with. So encouraging, inclusive and genuinely interested in each other. Our trip has gone much to quickly and day one at the same time seems so far away. Everyone has grown in some way and is returning home with memories and friendships that will last a long time. Many thanks to the trainees of trip 3, 2012, you are a unique and delightful group of individuals.

Clear with moderate NW wind

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