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July 26th 2024 - 17:40


Translations Growing
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Category: Bosunīs Log

December 9th, 2006
After little more then a week the translation system already has over 1000 translations providing a start to making our XDe powered web site available in 12 different languages......
Forum Update
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Screenshot of the new Forum

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 2nd, 2006
After I updated the gallery I figured, why stop there? so I just updated the forum as well... It now displays your profile photo along with posts and is multilingual aware!...
Photo Gallery Update
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Screenshot of the new Gallery (5 col)

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 1st, 2006
Call it an early Christmas present... Iīve updated the gallery to allow setting the number of columns and images per page. I also added all the new translation code to that module - so soon it will be available in different languages......
Introducing Tagging
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Tag Cloud for Bosunsmate

Category: Bosunīs Log

March 25th, 2007
Another little upgrade Iīve been meaning to make for some time is to add tagging to the XDe system. Seeing as this web site has more, in terms of news, then most others - I thought Iīd start here. You may notice the tags associated with the recent log entries...

wooden boats
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