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Attack of the Bots

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 12th, 2006
For those of you that know much about Search Engine Optimization you will have heard of "Bots" - the automated programs that crawl the web and fill the search engines with the data they use when people search for things... over the last few days the server on which bosunsmate.org resides has been pummeled by thousands of these - to the point where it actually crashed the server several times!...
Attack of the Bots Part 2
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Just For Fun

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 16th, 2006
I thought a follow-up to our last report about the search engine robots descending en mass upon out web sites was in order. We have resolved the problem and some people may be interested in the solution......
New Look for the IMRF
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The IMRF seb site

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 20th, 2006
Iīve been busy lately working on a web site for the International Maritime Rescue Federation mainly coding on the back-end, but yesterday I worked with their chair to create a new look for the site - and weīre both really happy with it......
Translations Growing
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Category: Bosunīs Log

December 9th, 2006
After little more then a week the translation system already has over 1000 translations providing a start to making our XDe powered web site available in 12 different languages......
Forum Update
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Screenshot of the new Forum

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 2nd, 2006
After I updated the gallery I figured, why stop there? so I just updated the forum as well... It now displays your profile photo along with posts and is multilingual aware!...
Photo Gallery Update
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Screenshot of the new Gallery (5 col)

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 1st, 2006
Call it an early Christmas present... Iīve updated the gallery to allow setting the number of columns and images per page. I also added all the new translation code to that module - so soon it will be available in different languages......
Whatīs Up with the Weather
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Category: Bosunīs Log

December 29th, 2005
Perhaps the better question would be what is down. Seeing as something at the Environment Canada web site isnīt working......
Introducing Tagging
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Tag Cloud for Bosunsmate

Category: Bosunīs Log

March 25th, 2007
Another little upgrade Iīve been meaning to make for some time is to add tagging to the XDe system. Seeing as this web site has more, in terms of news, then most others - I thought Iīd start here. You may notice the tags associated with the recent log entries...
SGML Validation
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Category: Bosunīs Log

March 28th, 2007
Thanks to an updated version of the Firefox extension for HTML validation Iīve been able to clean up some of the generated code from the XDe Modules as the new version validates XHTML better then before....
April Tools Web Site
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Category: Bosunīs Log

March 31st, 2007
Last year, Kellei and I had a great time participating in the April Tools Wooden Boat Challenge, a mixture of inventive boatbuilding, team antics and kidsī mini-boatbuilding blended with a variety of community activities. This year Iīve had the honour of building a web site for the Society that organizes it......
Notification Module
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Category: Bosunīs Log

April 10th, 2007
I spent most of the weekend building a new on-line communication system for my web sites (including this one) it improves email communications and allows users to send a receive messages on-site from administrators and other users....
Tree View
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Tree-view in action

Category: Bosunīs Log

April 16th, 2007
Iīve been busy plugging away at improving user interface again and have come up with another new component - Tree View - which allows me to display lists of data in a similar way to a file explorer. In most cases Iīm using it for the same thing on-line - but it will also soon form the basis for menu systems as well....
Fun with AIS
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local vessel traffic

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 25th, 2007
One of the cool things we learned about at the World Maritime Rescue Congress was AIS - we already knew what it was, but never really played with it. Yesterday (my Birthday) I got an AIS receiver system working at home via a small hack into my HAM radio - with huge possibilities for the future......
Decoding AIS Data
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Category: Bosunīs Log

July 20th, 2007
For the last month or so I have been scouring the Internet trying to figure out how to decode the encoded data that comprises the AIS messages in NMEA format - I finally figured out how to do it......
Add AJAX to the mix
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Category: Bosunīs Log

October 16th, 2007
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) has been around for a while now and Iīve decided that there is finally enough browser support to start integrating it into my XDe web module set. That and my main development serverīs HD choosing to stop spinning has made the last week interesting!...
Fun With Weather
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Sample Composite Weather Result Page

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 1st, 2008
I feel a bit like Iīm in grade 5 again - For my holiday project I did... But thatīs basically what this was - a holiday project to build a better weather reporting system for my web pages - and thatīs exactly what I think Iīve managed to do......
Faster, Better, Fluffy-er
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Category: Bosunīs Log

January 17th, 2008
If you have been paying attention to this site youīll have noticed quite a few subtle changes in the last few weeks. More recently a big speed-up but there is a lot of cool new fluff as well......
The Next Firefox is Coming
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Category: Bosunīs Log

March 12th, 2008
Iīm a pretty big fan of Firefox - working to try and get all my customers converted over from the insanely slow and insecure Internet Exploder series of unfortunate software applications... Looks like the soon to be released Firefox 3 is going to make it even easier for me to convince people!...
Mountain Biking, Web Hosting, First Aid, and Explosions
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 3rd, 2008
What do mountain bike races, web hosting, first aid, and explosions have in common - well, last weekend for me anyway......
Firefox 3 and Languages
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 9th, 2008
Been working on the back-end of all my web sites again in earnest lately - largely in the vein of translations and multilingual compatibility. At the same time Iīm now using the Release Candidate 2 of Firefox 3 as my primary browser and loving every minute of it!...
New Tracking Map Interface
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Sample recent vessel positions map

Category: Bosunīs Log

July 9th, 2008
I have mentioned this quite some time ago - but itīs finally online and running for the 2008 summer SALTS trips. New and Improved interface for vessel tracking that uses an advanced open-source mapping engine along with custom chart data for coastlines around the world....
Fun With Street Maps
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Sechelt Street Map Example

Category: Bosunīs Log

July 17th, 2008
Now that the new mapping interface is running well, it seems many of my customers want street level data - only problem is that that data is very expensive (roughly $25,000.00 per year!!!) so I needed to find an alternative......
Street Level Maps Ready
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Sample Street Map

Category: Bosunīs Log

July 29th, 2008
After a little over a week of work I finally have the entire Sunshine Coast road network mapped out, including ferry routes and some of the major routes to get here....
Oh My Gotcha!
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Category: Bosunīs Log

August 25th, 2008
For anyone considering an upgrade to MySQL 5.1 BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE I just spent the morning working with a web host who also spent the night after what should have been a simple upgrade completely fried several databases! We did find the workaround though......
Google Chrome -
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Sample of the comic-book release notes

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 2nd, 2008
Just when you thought it you knew the browser contenders - along comes Google Chrome to rock the boat. I feel like the proverbial bowl of petunias saying "Oh no, not again..." but here we are - released in a unique Google way - comic-book style......
Firefox 3.5 Launch
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 30th, 2009
As promised Iīm going to keep this blog going - but talk about whatever Iīm currently thinking about and not necessarily try to make it relate to nautical happenings - so here we go with that... Today marks the launch of the latest version of Firefox (my favorite web browser) and I simply must rattle on about it....
Clarks Maritime Online
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Screenshot of the clarksmaritime.com site

Category: Bosunīs Log

July 7th, 2009
Iīm pleased to announce the launch of the Clarks Maritime web site, a home for the various nautical endeavours of Martyn and Margaret Clark (who will be familiar to many of you by name) This site was a joy to design and produce....

tall ships
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