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July 26th 2024 - 20:27


Pop Goes The Stadium
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BC Place Stadium - Post-Deflation

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 5th, 2007
Some of you probably already read about this - but the Teflon roof of BC Place Stadium in Vancouver tore and the whole thing deflated after all the wind storms in BC lately... Described by one radio DJ: "The suoffle that graces the Vancouver Skyline - BC Place has fallen - someone must have really bumped the oven!"...
Who Stole our Weather
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Category: Bosunīs Log

November 28th, 2006
Someone certainly must have, because this isnīt anything like our weather - it canīt be... -19C almost 1.5ī of snow... in BC - come on!...
Tags: weather

Category: Bosunīs Log

November 26th, 2006
Not something we get too often out here in BC... but we have it today! About 9cm so far, which is huge for us - so much for my planned Coast Guard Training day......
Tags: weather
Waterspout Forcast
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Victoria MCTS Dashboard

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 5th, 2005
The 4pm forecast yesterday actually included a risk of waterspouts, Iīll get into that and take a small look inside the Victoria Coast Guard Radio station courtesy of photos from a friend...
Whatīs Up with the Weather
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Category: Bosunīs Log

December 29th, 2005
Perhaps the better question would be what is down. Seeing as something at the Environment Canada web site isnīt working......
Wind Storms & Power Failures & Crashes - Oh My!

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 4th, 2006
What a crazy time... I had to rush to get my systems back to normal after this past harrowing weekend - but things are almost back to normal now - with a new main computer system running a dual core Athlon 64 and other goodies - I canīt complain......
Wind/Ozone Radar
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Category: Bosunīs Log

November 10th, 2007
Canadian university researchers have found a new way to track the movement of ozone between layers of the atmosphere, a discovery that could lead to improved forecasts and pollution warnings....
Let It Snow!
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Category: Bosunīs Log

November 26th, 2007
Well, I guess winter is here - today marks the first snow of the winter for us - albeit a very wet snow......
Winter Forecast Fun
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Category: Bosunīs Log

December 3rd, 2007
I think this morning setīs a record for the most weather warnings I have ever seen in my local forecast at the same time! Our snow is melting - but not quickly enough for the 100mm of rain weīre expecting - however perhaps the 70Kmph winds will blow it away......
Christmas at Merry Island
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Merry Island Lighthouse

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 22nd, 2007
I write this via satellite internet from the lighthouse on Merry Island where Kellei and I will be spending Christmas......
Fun With Weather
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Sample Composite Weather Result Page

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 1st, 2008
I feel a bit like Iīm in grade 5 again - For my holiday project I did... But thatīs basically what this was - a holiday project to build a better weather reporting system for my web pages - and thatīs exactly what I think Iīve managed to do......

wooden boats
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