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Always Last on the List
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Category: Bosunīs Log

March 20th, 2007
As a web designer, it seems that updating my own web site is always the last of the list of tasks and from speaking to other web designers around the world it seems this is a common thread. However, bucking tradition, I finally made a major update to my own site......
Back From the Simulator
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From the Outside Looking in

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 29th, 2007
Kellei and I are home after our trip to Newfoundland to test out the CCGA-Pīs new Fast Rescue Craft Simulator. This was for one of the final tests to ensure this new simulator will work for the training program of the Auxiliary. Being that it is the first of itīs kind in the world - itīs really quite impressive!...
First to drive the new FRC Simulator
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The new FRC Simulator Prototype

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 10th, 2006
I was privileged today to be one of the first people to drive the CCGAīs new FRC Simulator. This is a fairly major milestone in the progress of the first FRC Simulator in the world - and itīs awesome to be right at the forefront of this exciting new project......
Halifax Citadel
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Kellei holding the powder bucket

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 5th, 2005
Our final day centered around the Halifax Citadel - which, knowing us, also included some emergency first aid for another visitor......
Cape Bretton
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On the Cabot Trail

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 3rd, 2005
The day after ISAR - only 3 hours sleep but still abuzz with joy - we depart for Cape Bretton...
Mining Museum
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The Worldīs Largest Violin

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 4th, 2005
Anik had planned a visit to the Mining Museum before heading back to Halifax - we had never heard of it and we are so glad we didnīt miss this. It was amazing!...
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Sunrise in Yukon Oklahoma

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 29th, 2005
So, Iīm in Oklahoma - about as far from the sea as I ever like to be - back working on fibre optic systems for a telco. So this next week of log entries will be a departure from the norm...
ISAR Travel Day
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Halifax Airport Promotional Image (hmmm - looks like a long line to me)

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 27th, 2005
By the time most of you read this - weīll already be enroute to Halifax - itīs finally actually happening!!!...
Bluenose II
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ISAR 2005 Pacific Team - Sailing Trip

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 29th, 2005
What A Fantastic Day! The Pacific Region ISAR Team all sailing on the Bluenose II after a great trip over to NS and some brief touring - weīre all geared up for the ISAR start tomorrow....
Bosunsmateīs Scott & Kellei Baker Win at ISAR 2005
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Kelleiīs Winning Team

Category: Whatīs New

October 2nd, 2005
The Pacific Region team lead by Scott Baker won the one event that they wanted more then any other - the on-water SAR exercise (one of only 4 teams to locate the search object) Better yet, Kellei won the overall 2005 Can-Am Trophy as well as two Can-Am events!...
World Matirime Rescue Congress
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Category: Bosunīs Log

May 27th, 2007
Weīre on our way... to England, Sweden, and Ireland - the excuse? The World Maritime Rescue Congress in Gothenburg Sweden June 3rd - but weīve got a whole lot more then just that planned......
Arrive in Poole
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View from our room

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 28th, 2007
Itīs been a long day about 24h or it - but weīre installed in Poole now at the start of our trip to England, Sweden, and Ireland. It was a long flight from Vancouver and as we left we passed over the Langdale Ferry (our home run) likely with our dog Wyatt and Parents aboard....
A Day in Poole
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Category: Bosunīs Log

May 29th, 2007
We had a bit of a lie-in today (quite a bit of one actually) to recover from the trip and then spend the day walking through Poole and getting to know the area......
Meeting with the RNLI
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The RNLI Reserve Fleet

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 30th, 2007
Met with the RNLI today and after a fairly informative one hour tour from Barbara we spent several hours meeting with Ian to discuss training programs, which led into drinks, which led into dinner......
Tags: rnli travel poole ccga ...
Day 2 In Poole
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Category: Bosunīs Log

May 31st, 2007
Another day in Poole. We had plans initially to travel further afield - but we needed a relaxed day so we stuck around in Poole and had another day on the town....
Travel to Sweden
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 1st, 2007
After a very early start (3am) we arrived in Sweden about 12 hours later to a beautiful hotel and many discoveries - this being the first time for both of us to travel to a country where we have absolutely no lingual ability......
Pre-Congress Weekend
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 2nd, 2007
WOW - what an amazing display of SAR, vessels, aircraft, and people. Weīre reeling from it all to say the least. The photos show the tip of the iceberg only - but itīs hard to imagine all of what we took in in only one day......
Pre-Congress Weekend Sunday
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 3rd, 2007
Day 2 of the weekend celebration of the Swedish Sea Rescue Society and the theme of today was Germany and Finland - go figure......
First Day of the WMRC
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The Official Opening

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 4th, 2007
The first day of the congress and the "amazing-factor" is still rolling along. The line-up of compelling speakers was impressive and to top that off, there was tons of good information and networking from the trade show floor....
Second Day of the WMRC
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World Maritime Rescue Congress

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 5th, 2007
Today was a barrage of information - a full day split into 6 groups of three presentations that were 15 minutes each - covering all manner of SAR related topics - it was daunting and exhausting and very informative all the once......
Boat Cruise Day
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 6th, 2007
Today was a national holiday in Sweden and so rather then continue with the conference they organized a boat cruise for the day to explore the archipelago surrounding Gothenburg......
IMRF Meeting & Group Discussions
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 7th, 2007
Today really was the official launch of the IMRF web site here at the World Maritime Rescue Congress in Sweden. I was afforded about 30 minutes to make a presentation about the site to the group and it went very well......
WMRC Wrap-up
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 8th, 2007
The final day of the World Maritime Rescue Congress (WMRC) saw a new board of trustees and a summation of all the events and discussions of the congress ending at around lunchtime with a fun wrap-up dinner at a local golf course as a final farewell......
Arrival of the Tall Ship Götheborg
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 9th, 2007
Today made up for the fact, in a small way, that we missed the departure of the Pacific Grace on their 2007 Offshore trip - the 60m Tall ship Götheborg returned here today after a trip to Shanghai and back reenacting a historic voyage where the first tall ship to bear itīs name was sunk at the entrance to this harbour mere miles from itīs home port....
Last Full day in Sweden
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Looking out from the SSRS

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 10th, 2007
Today is our last full day in Sweden and we took some time to visit the Swedish Sea Rescue Society office and get a bunch of news up on the IMRF web site......
To Ireland
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 11th, 2007
After a day of travel we have arrived in Ireland. Itīs a beautiful sunny day with a bit of haze so despite Gerryīs best attempt to drive us down the coastal route through Dublin, our visibility is a bit limited......
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 12th, 2007
We traveled into Dublin today to visit the Guinness Storehouse amongst other things. Along the way we stopped at a small harbour and got to see some of the local smaller boats and finished off the day with a side-trip up into the local hills......
The Road to Galway
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Bulmerīs For Dinner

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 13th, 2007
We started somewhat early today and headed up to Galway to start are sojourn in the West of Ireland - a beautiful drive and much relaxation to be savored by all....
The Cliffs Of Moher
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The Burren

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 14th, 2007
Today we experienced the rugged beauty of the west coast of Ireland in all itīs glory and drank deeply of all that we could. From the Burren to the Cliffs of Moher and the friendly people in Doolin - a wonderful day all around......
Back to Wicklow
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 15th, 2007
We all awoke thinking it was Thursday - but being Friday it was time to head back to the East Coast for the rest of our stay in Ireland......
Bray Head
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Bray Head (lookign North)

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 16th, 2007
Today we kept to ourselves and took a walk from the town of Bray where we are staying around Bray Head towards Greystones where Gerry and Kathleen live - it was a beautiful walk and a very relaxing and peaceful day full of natural beauty......
Last Full day in Ireland
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 17th, 2007
Itīs hard to imagine that weīre traveling back to Canada tomorrow morning, but our three week European tour has come to an end - but Kathleen and Gerry ensured that our last day was chocker full of new and amazing sights!...
Home again Home again Jig-ah-di-jig
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Wyatt Earp

Category: Bosunīs Log

June 18th, 2007
Today was a day full of lunches. As we traveled from Dublin back home and crossed eight time zones we seemed to keep eating lunch and follow the sun......
Regularly Unscheduled Drivel
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NETSim component of simulator

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 25th, 2007
We now return you to your regularly unscheduled drivel... I think as much as can be said about the Robertson II has been said for the time being - I need to look forward again to happier things, so itīs off to Newfoundland again for another test of the CCGAīs new simulator......
Back in St. Johns

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 27th, 2007
Back in St. Johns Newfoundland today - it was a long trip as usual - but the first day out made it all worth it as we got to test out our new small vessel simulator - that is really looking good now!...
Christmas at Merry Island
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Merry Island Lighthouse

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 22nd, 2007
I write this via satellite internet from the lighthouse on Merry Island where Kellei and I will be spending Christmas......
A Day Out
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Pulling Together, Chris, Kellei, and I

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 31st, 2008
OK, so Iīve been gone for a month... lifeīs been busy! But Iīm coming back in with a bang - Sailing with old friends on the Pacific Swift for a day - BANG!...

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