February 14th 2025 - 19:53
Travel to Sweden |
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 1st, 2007
After a very early start (3am) we arrived in Sweden about 12 hours later to a beautiful hotel and many discoveries - this being the first time for both of us to travel to a country where we have absolutely no lingual ability......
Pre-Congress Weekend |
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 2nd, 2007
WOW - what an amazing display of SAR, vessels, aircraft, and people. Weīre reeling from it all to say the least. The photos show the tip of the iceberg only - but itīs hard to imagine all of what we took in in only one day......
Pre-Congress Weekend Sunday |
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 3rd, 2007
Day 2 of the weekend celebration of the Swedish Sea Rescue Society and the theme of today was Germany and Finland - go figure......
First Day of the WMRC |
The Official Opening
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 4th, 2007
The first day of the congress and the "amazing-factor" is still rolling along. The line-up of compelling speakers was impressive and to top that off, there was tons of good information and networking from the trade show floor....
Second Day of the WMRC |
World Maritime Rescue Congress
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 5th, 2007
Today was a barrage of information - a full day split into 6 groups of three presentations that were 15 minutes each - covering all manner of SAR related topics - it was daunting and exhausting and very informative all the once......
Boat Cruise Day |
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 6th, 2007
Today was a national holiday in Sweden and so rather then continue with the conference they organized a boat cruise for the day to explore the archipelago surrounding Gothenburg......
IMRF Meeting & Group Discussions |
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 7th, 2007
Today really was the official launch of the IMRF web site here at the World Maritime Rescue Congress in Sweden. I was afforded about 30 minutes to make a presentation about the site to the group and it went very well......
WMRC Wrap-up |
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 8th, 2007
The final day of the World Maritime Rescue Congress (WMRC) saw a new board of trustees and a summation of all the events and discussions of the congress ending at around lunchtime with a fun wrap-up dinner at a local golf course as a final farewell......
Arrival of the Tall Ship Götheborg |
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 9th, 2007
Today made up for the fact, in a small way, that we missed the departure of the Pacific Grace on their 2007 Offshore trip - the 60m Tall ship Götheborg returned here today after a trip to Shanghai and back reenacting a historic voyage where the first tall ship to bear itīs name was sunk at the entrance to this harbour mere miles from itīs home port....
Last Full day in Sweden |
Looking out from the SSRS
Category: Bosunīs Log
June 10th, 2007
Today is our last full day in Sweden and we took some time to visit the Swedish Sea Rescue Society office and get a bunch of news up on the IMRF web site......