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February 14th 2025 - 20:10


Back From the Simulator
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From the Outside Looking in

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 29th, 2007
Kellei and I are home after our trip to Newfoundland to test out the CCGA-Pīs new Fast Rescue Craft Simulator. This was for one of the final tests to ensure this new simulator will work for the training program of the Auxiliary. Being that it is the first of itīs kind in the world - itīs really quite impressive!...
First to drive the new FRC Simulator
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The new FRC Simulator Prototype

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 10th, 2006
I was privileged today to be one of the first people to drive the CCGAīs new FRC Simulator. This is a fairly major milestone in the progress of the first FRC Simulator in the world - and itīs awesome to be right at the forefront of this exciting new project......
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Prototyle console for the SARSim

Category: Bosunīs Log

February 10th, 2006
Well, Iīm off to Victoria _again_ for more CCGA meetings - this time centered on the new Fast Response Craft simulator project they have in the works......
SEN - Limited
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Wyatt Goes to College

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 25th, 2007
Kellei and I just got back from 5 days of Simulated Electronic Navigation (SEN) training at Camosen College in Victoria as part of the CCGA-P Simulator Project. Unexpectedly Wyatt got to audit the course as well....
Meeting with the RNLI
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The RNLI Reserve Fleet

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 30th, 2007
Met with the RNLI today and after a fairly informative one hour tour from Barbara we spent several hours meeting with Ian to discuss training programs, which led into drinks, which led into dinner......
Tags: rnli travel poole ccga ...
Regularly Unscheduled Drivel
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NETSim component of simulator

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 25th, 2007
We now return you to your regularly unscheduled drivel... I think as much as can be said about the Robertson II has been said for the time being - I need to look forward again to happier things, so itīs off to Newfoundland again for another test of the CCGAīs new simulator......
Back in St. Johns

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 27th, 2007
Back in St. Johns Newfoundland today - it was a long trip as usual - but the first day out made it all worth it as we got to test out our new small vessel simulator - that is really looking good now!...

wooden boats
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