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Learn more about our "How to Tie Knots" DVD/CD
July 26th 2024 - 19:26


Kellei Passed her ColRegs - no big surprise
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Category: Bosunīs Log

May 18th, 2006
I got a message yesterday from Kellei, having fun at RHIOT and much more relaxed after passing her ColRegs exam......
Welcome Home Kellei - RHIOT Graduate!
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Happy Camper

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 24th, 2006
It may have been a foregone conclusion in my mind - but Iīm happy to welcome Kellei home after successfully completing RHIOT. She did great and thanks to friends that happened to be in the area - we have photos and video!...
News from RHIOT

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 22nd, 2006
Heard from Kellei this morning, all is well in Bamfield - with the two night runs behind her and a forecast for 60kn winds......
Training Into Tow
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Kellei at the helm - towing the vessel

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 14th, 2006
Itīs that time of year again... things always pick up in the summer and this season is not looking like any exception. SInce Kellei leaves for RHIOT on Tuesday we have been out training a lot. Yesterday was supposed to be a 2 hour slow boat handling training session - we ended up with much more then we planned - but it was all good!...
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