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July 26th 2024 - 18:05


Mining Museum
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The Worldīs Largest Violin

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 4th, 2005
Anik had planned a visit to the Mining Museum before heading back to Halifax - we had never heard of it and we are so glad we didnīt miss this. It was amazing!...
Cape Bretton
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On the Cabot Trail

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 3rd, 2005
The day after ISAR - only 3 hours sleep but still abuzz with joy - we depart for Cape Bretton...
Halifax Citadel
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Kellei holding the powder bucket

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 5th, 2005
Our final day centered around the Halifax Citadel - which, knowing us, also included some emergency first aid for another visitor......
Bluenose II
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ISAR 2005 Pacific Team - Sailing Trip

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 29th, 2005
What A Fantastic Day! The Pacific Region ISAR Team all sailing on the Bluenose II after a great trip over to NS and some brief touring - weīre all geared up for the ISAR start tomorrow....

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