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Learn more about our "How to Tie Knots" DVD/CD
July 26th 2024 - 20:31


Pet Food Recall - Not Here
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Wyatt Earp

Category: Bosunīs Log

March 23rd, 2007
Itīs sad that yet again itīs taken a tragedy to awaken societyīs collective consciouses to an injustice. In this case itīs the scandalous realm that is commercially rendered-meat based pet foods....
Kudos to my Dad...
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Larry Baker with the Leo Award

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 15th, 2006
Local sound designer Larry Baker (My Dad) won īBest Sound Editing in a Documentary Program or Seriesī at the 2006 Leo Awards Celebration Awards Ceremony Friday, May 12, 2006 at the Westin Bayshore Vancouver BC. The Leo Awards are where the best and brightest film and television talent and programs in British Columbia are honoured for their work....
Mr & Mrs Baker
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At our wedding site in Sechelt BC

Category: Bosunīs Log

July 17th, 2006
What an amazing day! I can happily call myself a married man now and a very happy one. You can find our most of what happened inside (photos too) if you care ;)...
Some days are better then others...
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Category: Bosunīs Log

May 9th, 2007
Some days are much better then others and Wed. May 9th will certainly go down as a good one for us, because this was the day that we won the 2007 House of Dreams Contest from Mountain FM!...
The Destruction before the Roof
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Taking off the floor

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 9th, 2007
Just over a year ago our mortgage helper house (in our backyard) caught fire and the top story burnt down. We finally have raised enough money and got the building permit to put a roof back on......

wooden boats
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