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February 9th 2025 - 10:46


Ding Dong the Clippyīs Dead!
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R.I.P. (Rot In Pieces) Clippy

Category: Bosunīs Log

February 11th, 2007
Pretty much from the start most everyone hated Clippy - the useless and annoying MS Office assistant. I guess that is why it took Micro$oft a decade to realize that they could help cut down the bloat of Office by nixing it...???...
Tracker Re-discovered
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The classic: Amiga 500

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 14th, 2007
Long long ago... in a different era of technology I was an Amiga user. Being both an Amiga user and a musician I quickly found that I could do great things with MODs when I finally sold my Amiga - I went looking for a PC replacement, but never found one... until now!...
Attack of the Bots

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 12th, 2006
For those of you that know much about Search Engine Optimization you will have heard of "Bots" - the automated programs that crawl the web and fill the search engines with the data they use when people search for things... over the last few days the server on which resides has been pummeled by thousands of these - to the point where it actually crashed the server several times!...
Attack of the Bots Part 2
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Just For Fun

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 16th, 2006
I thought a follow-up to our last report about the search engine robots descending en mass upon out web sites was in order. We have resolved the problem and some people may be interested in the solution......
Wind Storms & Power Failures & Crashes - Oh My!

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 4th, 2006
What a crazy time... I had to rush to get my systems back to normal after this past harrowing weekend - but things are almost back to normal now - with a new main computer system running a dual core Athlon 64 and other goodies - I canīt complain......
Windoze over Windows Repair
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Category: Bosunīs Log

August 5th, 2007
Iīm going to geek out here a bit - but itīs for a public service. I just fixed a problem Iīve been having with my main graphics workstation after looking for a solution for over a year and I thought Iīd share. If you have ever installed Windows over top of another Windows (after a motherboard upgrade or serious system crash) the silly thing corrupts its own registry in a very hidden way - here is how you fix it......
Athlon 64 X2 - One Week Later
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The new Sonata2 Case

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 10th, 2006
It has been a week now with the new Dual Core 64 bit system and things are going very well. Also yesterday marked the start of two 6 month courses Iīm teaching for the Coast Guard Auxiliary...
Tags: computers
The verdict: The Power Supply did it, in the office, with a faulty 12V supply
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My new TruePowerII replacement Supply.

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 27th, 2006
Basically everyone agreed it must be the power supply - and thatīs exactly what it was - just a coincidence that I found the failure at the same time as I replaced the memory (which is working great all 4GB of it!) the plus is the old memory allowed me to max out three other systems......
Tags: computers
Add AJAX to the mix
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Category: Bosunīs Log

October 16th, 2007
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) has been around for a while now and Iīve decided that there is finally enough browser support to start integrating it into my XDe web module set. That and my main development serverīs HD choosing to stop spinning has made the last week interesting!...
Migrating to Thunderbird
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Category: Bosunīs Log

November 6th, 2007
Iīve been using Eudora for email since 1997 - now that they have decided to drop support for it - I guess itīs time to switch to Thunderbird......
Faster, Better, Fluffy-er
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Category: Bosunīs Log

January 17th, 2008
If you have been paying attention to this site youīll have noticed quite a few subtle changes in the last few weeks. More recently a big speed-up but there is a lot of cool new fluff as well......
The Next Firefox is Coming
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Category: Bosunīs Log

March 12th, 2008
Iīm a pretty big fan of Firefox - working to try and get all my customers converted over from the insanely slow and insecure Internet Exploder series of unfortunate software applications... Looks like the soon to be released Firefox 3 is going to make it even easier for me to convince people!...
Mountain Biking, Web Hosting, First Aid, and Explosions
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 3rd, 2008
What do mountain bike races, web hosting, first aid, and explosions have in common - well, last weekend for me anyway......
Firefox 3 and Languages
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 9th, 2008
Been working on the back-end of all my web sites again in earnest lately - largely in the vein of translations and multilingual compatibility. At the same time Iīm now using the Release Candidate 2 of Firefox 3 as my primary browser and loving every minute of it!...
The printer knows
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 20th, 2008
I recently printed out a Service Overview from my printer and was very surprised to learn all that the thing was tracking silently in the background... For example, I know know that since it was purchased the paper trey has been removed 83 times!...
New Tracking Map Interface
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Sample recent vessel positions map

Category: Bosunīs Log

July 9th, 2008
I have mentioned this quite some time ago - but itīs finally online and running for the 2008 summer SALTS trips. New and Improved interface for vessel tracking that uses an advanced open-source mapping engine along with custom chart data for coastlines around the world....
My First Computer
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Heathkit H89 Computer

Category: Bosunīs Log

July 31st, 2008
I just found a photo online of my very first computer (now I feel old) it was called the Heathkit H89 (kit because you build it yourself) and was given to us by a friend of my father who built it....
More on AIS
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AIS Receiver

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 19th, 2008
Over the weekend I finally got my Java based AIS decoder software working and have started to post technical details on my AIS information pages for the benefit of others looking to accomplish similar tasks....
Oh My Gotcha!
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Category: Bosunīs Log

August 25th, 2008
For anyone considering an upgrade to MySQL 5.1 BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE I just spent the morning working with a web host who also spent the night after what should have been a simple upgrade completely fried several databases! We did find the workaround though......
Google Chrome -
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Sample of the comic-book release notes

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 2nd, 2008
Just when you thought it you knew the browser contenders - along comes Google Chrome to rock the boat. I feel like the proverbial bowl of petunias saying "Oh no, not again..." but here we are - released in a unique Google way - comic-book style......
Firefox 3.5 Launch
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 30th, 2009
As promised Iīm going to keep this blog going - but talk about whatever Iīm currently thinking about and not necessarily try to make it relate to nautical happenings - so here we go with that... Today marks the launch of the latest version of Firefox (my favorite web browser) and I simply must rattle on about it....
Which OS - My MS Muddle
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Category: Bosunīs Log

July 6th, 2009
In my ongoing quest to get more performance out of my system, and thus more productivity for my day-to-day existence Iīm starting to bat around what will be my next operating system choice. As much as I complain about Micro$oft I know it will be some form of windows - the only question now is... which one!...
Killing a Virus on a Friendīs Machine
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Category: Bosunīs Log

July 30th, 2009
I spent the last 2 days working on a friendīs computer to remove a nasty little virus that the anti-virus software didnīt seem to do much about apart from detecting it. To help, I reported my findings over on my technical blog - but I thought it might be good to cross post that here for your reference....

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