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Learn more about our "How to Tie Knots" DVD/CD
July 27th 2024 - 00:10


Google Chrome -
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Sample of the comic-book release notes

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 2nd, 2008
Just when you thought it you knew the browser contenders - along comes Google Chrome to rock the boat. I feel like the proverbial bowl of petunias saying "Oh no, not again..." but here we are - released in a unique Google way - comic-book style......
Firefox 3.5 Launch
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Category: Bosunīs Log

June 30th, 2009
As promised Iīm going to keep this blog going - but talk about whatever Iīm currently thinking about and not necessarily try to make it relate to nautical happenings - so here we go with that... Today marks the launch of the latest version of Firefox (my favorite web browser) and I simply must rattle on about it....

tall ships
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