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December 2nd 2024 - 22:00
July 20th, 2009
July 20th, 2009

Inhibeo Egrotatio

Calling in sick for work? Throw a good latin name at them...

For those times when you really need to call in sick from work - you might as well have a good illness to use for the big "phone call" Seeing as Latin is frequently the language of choice for things medical... here is a good one "Inhibeo Egrotatio"

Translated directly (and word for word so itīs probably wrong) it should mean "Employee Sickness" but it sure sounds good doesnīt it?

Ok, why am I going on About this - well itīs one of those goofy moods you get into after a friend tells you they are overworked and you suggest they call in sick and then your brain goes out of control...

So, what better then to share silly thoughts with others - in the feeble hope that perhaps it will generate a small chuckle for them too.

Tags: jokes
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