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December 14th 2024 - 08:33
December 22nd, 2007
December 22nd, 2007

Christmas at Merry Island

I write this via satellite internet from the lighthouse on Merry Island where Kellei and I will be spending Christmas...

We endured a fairly good blow last night and this morning About Beaufort Force 8 but itīs calm and sunny now. Itīs magical to be sitting at the lighthouse that I have so often heard from on the weather reports. Now itīs Kellei that is calling them in every 3 hours as the Assistant Relief Lighthouse Keeper, and Iīm along for the ride ;)

We have our AIS feed from our home tracking system so we can watch the boats go by and even running Google Earth to track that and the Pacific Grace on the other side of the globe. Itīs all very nautical, relaxing and fascinating at the same time the addition of knowing what the "Local Lighthouse Report" is going to be 20 mins prior to it going out on the VHF is an added bonus.

Merry Island Lighthouse
Merry Island Lighthouse

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Merry Island Lighthouse
Merry Island Lighthouse

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