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December 10th 2024 - 06:12
August 27th, 2007
August 27th, 2007

Back in St. Johns

Back in St. Johns Newfoundland today - it was a long trip as usual - but the first day out made it all worth it as we got to test out our new small vessel simulator - that is really looking good now!

Our travels started with a code 3 SAR call the afternoon before we left - so we boarded the plane sore and tired yesterday after a 4am wakeup call. Arriving in St. Johns at 0130h today and then up again at 0700 to start day one of testing - I figure I have good excuse to keep this blog short and get to bed!

The first day of testing went swimmingly though as most of the little glitches we had identified in the last test were all working great now and we could get a good feel for the simulator which handles great now! Itīs Starting to get really exciting as we can really see how well this is going to work for our training.

Anyway Iīm exhausted now and itīs off to bed for a full nightīs sleep at last!

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