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December 5th 2024 - 08:57
June 6th, 2007
June 6th, 2007

Boat Cruise Day

Today was a national holiday in Sweden and so rather then continue with the conference they organized a Boat cruise for the day to explore the archipelago surrounding Gothenburg...

We left the wharf in front of the hotel at 0900h and proceeded down the river and out in the the coastal waters. It was another beautiful sunny day - a bit too hot for my liking (but most of the trip has been a bit too sunny for me - Kellei is loving it)

The geography around here is dramatically different then the coastal waters we are used to - thousands of small, medium, and large islands and islets are scattered everywhere and there are tons of other vessels. Two common themes we found apart from enjoying the natural beauty was the sheer number of other vessels and a new definition (for us anyway) of narrow channels. Some of the passages we proceeded through left only 2m on each side of the Boat we were on (this wasnīt a small Boat either - certified for 250 passengers!) Hundreds of lateral buoys dotted the safe channels through all the rocks and hundreds of other vessels, sometimes in a Line like a parade, progressed through the channels Ahead and astern of us.

We stopped twice once just before lunch at the island community Skärhamn and again after lunch at another island with an impressive fortress but we couldnīt catch the name.

The entire cruise was spectacular, but it was a long hot day and it was good to get Back.

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