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December 14th 2024 - 08:28
June 5th, 2007
June 5th, 2007

Second Day of the WMRC

World Maritime Rescue Congress
World Maritime Rescue Congress
Today was a barrage of information - a full day split into 6 groups of three presentations that were 15 minutes each - covering all manner of SAR related topics - it was daunting and exhausting and very informative all the once...

We rushed between 4 different rooms trying to absorb as much information as possible. Not too much in terms of photos today - just a lot of information yet to be digested. However, for certain, a lot to bring Back and share.

The evening finished with a dockside BBQ and vessel parade. Weīre off for a coastal tour of Sweden tomorrow all day on a Boat - we should have some much better photos from that!

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tall ships
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