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Learn more about our "How to Tie Knots" DVD/CD
December 2nd 2024 - 21:33
March 9th, 2007
March 9th, 2007

Around Our World in 14 days...

The last 2 weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind of activity - from the CCGA-P AGM to spending a week with the CEO of the International Maritime Rescue Federation to a trip to Edmonton for the CCGA National Board Meeting - and now quick prep to teach a weekend Navigation Course - life is been more of a blur then usual...

In keeping with our normal tradition of being crazily busy - we have quickened the pace if anything and bounced around even more then usual - certainly keeping very much in the Coast Guard realm though.

The AGM in Victoria was fantastic and very productive - lots of SAR Management System training and idea sharing. We scooped up Gerry Keeling from the IMRF after the AGM and he returned to Stay with us for the following week as we worked together on the IMRF web site (almost ready for a global launch) That was incredibly productive as Gerry shared some fantastic ideas for improvements to the XDe while we enhanced his site - he even taught us the īcorrectī method for making Irish Coffee before returning to the UK.

Finally last weekend I traveled to Edmonton to sit in on the CCGA National Board Meeting and demo the SMS for the other regions in Canada. This was a very productive and educational trip as I finally got a chance to learn more About what the National group is doing to move the CCGA Forward in Canada.

The blur continues this weekend as Iīm set to spend About 16 hours teaching the crew-level Navigation Course to our local CCGA-P Unit 12 - the fun never stops! ;)

Tags: ccga imrf
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