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December 2nd 2024 - 21:38
December 30th, 2006
December 30th, 2006

New Year Resolution

For my new year resolution I resolve to not make any new year resolutions... but in doing so I have already broken it...

These are the silly thoughts that enter ones mind at 4am and compel the thinker to unleash them upon others - sorry I had to share.

On a more realistic note: Kellei and I went out for some CCGA training yuesterday - which was a blast as usual. The winds were picking up - gusting About 30 so it was a great opportunity for some of the new crew to try docking the Boat with a cross wind - they did great. We also met up with a friend who flew in to give us a lecture on float plane safety should we ever need to rescue people from one after a crash.

Weīre looking Forward to going out again on new years for the polar bear swim in Davis Bay - we generally run as the safety Boat for that and itīs great fun to watch.

Checking out the plane
Checking out the plane
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