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December 14th 2024 - 09:27
September 5th, 2005
September 5th, 2005

Waterspout Forcast

Victoria MCTS Dashboard
Victoria MCTS Dashboard
Our trip to Merry Island Yesterday was fascinating - however very wet! It was like tropical rain (big - and lots of it) We have been having some fairly intense local  systems rambling through - which, I imagine, is the reason for this somewhat unusual forecast:

"Small craft warning in effect.  Winds variable 5 to 10 knots easing to light this afternoon. A few showers and isolated thunderstorms ending early this evening. Risk of a waterspout with local strong winds early this evening.  Outlook. Light to moderate variable winds."

Iīve actually seen a waterspout in these parts before, so itīs not unheard of - but fairly rare. I didnīt hear any reports that the forecast came to pass though.

Back to Merry Island: Iīm sure we will be able to collect some great heirlooms to help raise funds for Unit 12 - so we have a plan to return later this week and help out the Museum transport their items of historic relevance off the island as well.

I did get a chance to chat with my good friends Simon and Kim yesterday. We all met through the CCGA, Simon and Kim having joined our unit for About 8 months. They are now on their way off to Sidney Nova Scotia to attend the Canadian Coast Guard MCTS operator Course - effectively they are learning how to be the people on the transmitting end of "Victoria/Comox/Tofino/etc Coast Guard Radio" - todayīs photo is courtesy of them.

Simon has been talking About Starting a blog of his own to relate their experiences while they are in NS. So I offered him some space here on the Mate to do so - Iīll keep you all posted. If nothing else, Kellei and I will connect up with them again during ISAR when we are Back in Halifax - so Iīll post an update on their progress then.  

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