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Learn more about our "How to Tie Knots" DVD/CD
December 14th 2024 - 08:38
November 26th, 2006
November 26th, 2006


Not something we get too often out here in BC... but we have it today! About 9cm so far, which is huge for us - so much for my planned Coast Guard Training day...

Ok - so before all of those that live in more snowy climes call wimp on us... we do have a gale force winds forecast as well - and the training was supposed to be basic docking so after negotiating our roads (the main problem being a whole lot of drivers that donīt know how to drive in the snow) it would be far too challenging anyway.

My power has already blipped off once (guessing someone hit a pole - thatīs usually what happens)

The good news, always gotta find a silver lining, is that Iīll be able to spend a bit more time on the translation system today. Itīs up and running by the way (didja notice?) if you had your browser set to a language other then English you may well have - but only very limited translations exist presently we have:
Total Languages: 6
Total Gaps: 42
Total Translations: 48

not exactly going to make it possible for our non-English speakers to navigate a site ;) but you must start somewhere...

In more frustrating news - some goober from the Ukraine tried to hack the photo albums yesterday. They didnīt succeed (bwhahahahah) but they did manage to create a whole host of junk albums - About 60. These were hidden to all but admins (as are all new albums until I publish them) but as a result I had to turn off the publicīs ability to suggest an album until I make it a bit easier for me to delete the junk. Donīt worry - it wonīt take me long.

PS: Looking for a Christmas Gift - get your copy of Scottīs Knots on-line until December 25th and get free shipping!

Tags: weather
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