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December 10th 2024 - 07:40
October 10th, 2006
October 10th, 2006

First to drive the new FRC Simulator

The new FRC Simulator Prototype
The new FRC Simulator Prototype
I was privileged today to be one of the first people to drive the CCGAīs new FRC Simulator. This is a fairly major milestone in the progress of the first FRC Simulator in the world - and itīs awesome to be right at the forefront of this exciting new project...

Thomas and I basically spent the entire day at VMT (Virtual Marine Technology) today testing out and searching for holes and bugs in the latest iteration of the Simulator (still in R&D and due to be delivered early in 2007) Itīs a new training initiative for the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - Pacific and is the first time anyone has attempted to build a small vessel simulator. As such, there is still quite a bit of work to do - everything from toning down the radios (they are transmitting outside the simulator) to minor alignment problems with the screens (three 9īx12ī rear projection screens) But all in all it was very exciting to see just how far the team working in St. Johns has already come with the project.

Tomorrow we will spend all day working on the Web Based sibling of the FMS (Full Mission Simulator) that we were trying today. The NET (Navigational Equipment Trainer) is designed to precede the FMS and teach basic electronic Navigation in a web based environment. It is due in December  and although simpler in concept - has proved to be fairly complex. Itīs all written in Java and is designed to present a variety of courses to CCGA members across the region in basic Navigation from the comfort of their own home.

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The Radar and GPS Displays
The Radar and GPS Displays
Pay no attention to the man behind the screen
Pay no attention to the man behind the screen

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