May 12th, 2006
May 12th, 2006
Is an RFC Available
The true geeks amungsts us will know what an RFC is - they are, for the lack of a better explination, the building blocks of the internet. Technology memos that define its technology. I grew up with them on-line, and now I have a chance to write one.It may sound odd - but itīs a pretty interesting experience. The gist of it is a formal standard for the transfer of availability and booking data between the on-line booking systems used by accommodations providers. If my proposal (or Internet Draft) is accepted it may become a RFC (Request For Comments) which basically becomes a new Internet Standard.
The whole motivation behind this is that quite a few of my web design customers are accommodations providers and many of them are Starting to battle between having multiple different calendars on many different web sites - all of which require manual update. There is no communication and itīs simple too much work for them to update them all.
Enter my proposal the "Availability Data Exchange Protocol" ADEP. An attempt to standardize on the transfer of booking data in a Secure, standard form.
Itīs quite an undertaking and Iīm only About 1/2 way through the first Draft - but itīs a fascinating experience. I;ll get more into the details of it tomorrow with a bit of background on the RFC process and how it all fits together.
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