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Thread #50

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
October 13th, 2003
Offshore Leg 1 Photos!
A Huge thanks to bosunsmate.org user rcl62 for giving us all a first glimpse of photos from the current offshore leg 1.

I certainly didnīt expect to have photos available this quickly (before the leg is even over) and Iīm sure I speak for all when I pass along all our thanks for the father-son team bringing us photos "en-route" ! :D
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

rcl62 has no photo

by: rcl62
October 13th, 2003
Re: Offshore Leg 1 Photos!

Thanks Scott...will ask Phil to add "real" titles and comments when he gets to an internet cafe...

Cheers -

Rob Lee

sarah_593 has no photo

by: sarah_593
December 9th, 2003
Re: Offshore Leg 1 Photos!
Hey, I guess Iīm not really expecting an answer on this, but Iīm finding myself craving some more offshore photos. I guess you have no idea when there will be new ones in?? thanks anyways.
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
December 9th, 2003
Re: Offshore Leg 1 Photos!
Of course you get an answer! however it might be a bit of a non-entity but you get one none the less :)

I posted a request for more photos too - now that leg 1 is finished hopefully some will come in... but I havenīt heard anything yet.

Hey, at least I got the location names on the map now ;)
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker
sarah_593 has no photo

by: sarah_593
December 10th, 2003
Re: Offshore Leg 1 Photos!
Yay Scott! Kudos to you on the nav maps, they look great. The names really help give a sense of scale. I mean you can look at a coastline all you want, but as soon as you have a known "thing" to refer to its waaay easier! :) Keep up all the great work. - and I promise that when Iīm done my legs Iīll send photos right away ;)

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