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February 9th 2025 - 10:04

Thread #84

jonboat has no photo

by: jonboat
January 29th, 2004
jack plate on boat transom
what is the purpose of a jack plate? what does it do for a boat and motor? iīve been told one should have a jack plate on almost every boat with an outboard even on a small boat with an outboard as small as 10 hp. and iīve been told one does not really need a jack plate on any boat. help me understand the purpose and workings of this fool thing.

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
January 29th, 2004
Re: jack plate on boat transom
Iīm no expert on the specifics of this technology - but the basic idea, as I understand it is essentially twofold, 1 to add stability to the mounting point for the motor and 2 to provide flexibility - the flexibility can be many things depending on what exactly the plate does - some have hydraulic lifts for heavy motors, some just allow you to raise the mount of a long shaft motor - which might be necessary for ample clearance or shallow water operations.

here is a site with several different models for sale that might identify some fo the different reasons:


Does _every_ boat need one - well, no, probably not - some transoms are built for a motor (some even for a specific class of motor) and will do just fine without - however in general itīs one of those things that wonīt hurt because of the extra stability it provides (mainly talking about fibreglass hulls here).

as I said - Iīm no expert - hopefully someone else will jump in with some thoughts too.
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

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