Thread #411
by: matt432 November 29th, 2015 |
Tuning A Bosun Pipe Question
I've found many resources online that talk about how to tune a bosun's pipe. However, each description of how to tune is not precise enough for me to know what the instructions mean. So, I've pasted the description I found most helpful below and I've attached a picture of my pipe with arrows showing the points of confusion for me. Maybe you can help me figure this out, as my pipe does will only sound with soft blows of air and goes mute when I blow harder.
Here's the best description I found online. I've included some bold text that shows my points of confusion with the description. After you read this, you'll see my questions as related to the picture I posted with arrows that show my points of confusion on the actual picture of the pipe. Thanks for following along! "Pipes are stamped out when manufactured; therefore, both the hole and the pee are often misshapen. Most pipes are too open at the pee and should be flattened and soldered at the sides of the pee to fill the space between the pee and the bowl <-- That statement is a little vague. Fill the space between the pee and the bowl, that could be a large area or a smaller one... Anyway, you'll see a better way to help me answer this question when you see the attached picture and accompanying questions below; otherwise, hissing sounds of escaping air will interfere with the clearness of the call.
by: me_again March 5th, 2018 |
Tuning A Bosun Pipe Question
OK. I've been the proud possessor of a bosun's pipe for several years but it obviously needs attention--to wit: tuning. But there's a dearth of plain-language information on this topic.
Who can help with some constructive tips (or is this so arcane that it can't be disseminated)? By all means e-mail me if you wish wbr |
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