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February 9th 2025 - 10:07

Thread #139

Portrait for the romanian

by: the romanian
December 24th, 2004
   I am wondering how I can sign up for volunteering for one of the summer camps trips. Iīve gone on a group trip this year already and would really be interested in helping out newcomers out on the deck, or well anywhere on the ship. Any help would be appreciated.
                                  ~ Monica

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
December 24th, 2004
Re: Volunteering
Best thing is to contact the SALTS office and let them know that youīre interested.

I donīt want to disuade you - but you should know that there is stiff competition for volenteer positions... back when I did it (1990īs) there were 5 positions on 2 ships for 5 trips = 50 openings - and each year about 300 applications were received from what I heard.

So be sure you get you application in early (it may very well be too late - I believe that usually all happens in October - or it used to.)

However do get in touch with the office as they will be able to let you know all the details - and at the very worst - get you on the list for an application for next year.

Hope that helps, volenteering with SALTS was on eof the more rewarding experiences of my life and I would recommend it to anyone who feels the desire!
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

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