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January 19th 2025 - 23:01

Thread #137

airplayne has no photo

by: airplayne
December 13th, 2004
Additional Glossary Terms
I was scrolling through your glossary and noticed there a couple of terms that were omitted.  Such as Coxswain and Starter.  I am curious as to what the specific definitions of these words are.

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
December 13th, 2004
Re: Additional Glossary Terms
Coxswain is a term for the master of a small boat in todays terms (for example in the Coast Guard all the FRC vessels are skippered by Coxswains) in the past it more referred to the person at the helm - so the Captain of a vessel would be taken ashore in a small boat but they would usually have someone else pilot the vessel - that person would be the Coxswain.

A Starter (if referring to what I think you mean) is a small piece of line sometimes tarred used like a club to hit crew and get them to work faster - a bit brutal - but that was the life then...

hope that helps.
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

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