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February 9th 2025 - 09:01

Forum Posts by: kpbosun

Showing posts from kpbosun with most recent posts first

January 8th 2008 @ 15:58 Comments about Fun With Weather
I neglected to give you another related link yesterday. It is usually supplied to those who have fin...
January 5th 2008 @ 12:10 Fun With Weather
I feel a bit like I´m in grade 5 again - For my holiday project I did... But that&acut...
January 5th 2008 @ 12:10 Comments about Fun With Weather
You have started out on a grand project. You are certainly not one who is short on ambition. I had m...
May 1st 2007 @ 21:10 Whatīs in a name?
Good, I am glad that there are still some people using them. I actually use "thole pin" ...
April 20th 2007 @ 11:33 Whatīs in a name?
The rain has finally stopped so I will be able to get away from the computer today, but I thought th...
April 19th 2007 @ 17:46 Weather Wize
So Near - So Far Where to begin? It has been raining for four days straight. All the rivers in ...
August 7th 2006 @ 16:33 velvet hammer
Sometimes you are done a favor when you donīt expect it. Sometimes by someone who you would le...
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:58 A neat way to impress the BOSUN in your group
Carefully draw the strands back through the outer loops while also holding the standing parts. This ...
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:58 A neat way to impress the BOSUN in your group
This is the hard part to do behind your back and will take a little practice. Reach through the out...
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:57 A neat way to impress the BOSUN in your group
Repeat the looping process until there are four of them in the stack. Note that each is placed under...
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:42 A neat way to impress the BOSUN in your group
Repeat with another similar loop placed UNDER the first.
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:41 A neat way to impress the BOSUN in your group
Simple things often give the best results. Make a simple loop as shown with the standing part on ...
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:38 A neat way to impress the BOSUN in your group
I have been known as the Bosun for many years even though I never sailed in an unlicensed capacity. ...
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:21 How knot to get caught
With all the warning that I gave, you probably took a good look at the picture and saw that it was a...
August 2nd 2006 @ 15:11 How knot to get caught
I have not posted for a while, this is a busy time of year, but I thought that this might be of enou...
May 12th 2006 @ 13:26 How Busy is Busy...
Wow, life has become hectic... thus the one month hiatus from the log! but things are settling to th...
May 12th 2006 @ 13:26 Comments about How Busy is Busy...
re - the picture After going only to the tropics for a couple years we made a late fall Great Lakes...
May 10th 2006 @ 11:52 Radio Shack, The
After the new radio and antennas there was a bit of rigging to complete to get the whole system up a...
April 13th 2006 @ 17:51 Comments about Radio Shack, The
I thought that I was busy the other night shortening my sons radar cables and reconnecting the adapt...
March 21st 2006 @ 23:21 3D Navigation Light Models
In the training realm again... I´ve started playing with 3D rendering software to try and ...
March 21st 2006 @ 23:21 Comments about 3D Navigation Light Models
When you put up a light configuration black box, how about putting a simulated radar plot below it o...
February 19th 2006 @ 20:25 Busy time...
Itīs been a busy time for us - thus the lack of posts to the log - but all is well! The weekend was ...
February 18th 2006 @ 16:39 Comments about Busy time...
Not exactly FRC stuff, but my room mate at the USMMA wrote this book. http://www.cornellmaritimepre...
January 24th 2006 @ 23:28 Yappy Hew Near!
It sounds like it is doing even more than you had hoped. Congratulations. I just broke down and orde...
January 18th 2006 @ 23:03 Yappy Hew Near!
2006 - already? geesh this all reminds me of the Monty Python snippit: < wooshing sound > "W...
January 11th 2006 @ 10:15 Connected and Covered
I have a feeling that hard copy things like charts will be around for quite awhile. They are the ult...
January 11th 2006 @ 00:00 Connected and Covered
Today Iīm feeling a bit more in-tune then I have... the new system is running correctly and I ...
January 10th 2006 @ 23:41 Connected and Covered
The Galileo site was of interest. I had not heard about the project. Interesting that they should pi...
January 10th 2006 @ 23:17 Athlon 64 X2 - One Week Later
It&acute;s been about a week now since my previous P4 2.6Ghz system bit the dust (thanks to a pa...
January 10th 2006 @ 23:17 Comments about Athlon 64 X2 - One Week Later
Interesting that you should be teaching after a term of going to sea, or at least being immersed in ...
January 9th 2006 @ 23:47 Comments about Connected and Covered
You bet!! New stuff can be exciting. I was still a sextant navigator on my last voyage to sea, but t...
January 3rd 2006 @ 17:46 Comments about Yappy Hew Near!
Iīll be interested in how the Dule Core works out. If it means what I think, side by side link...
January 1st 2006 @ 19:34 More great photos from kpbosun
I am still in the process of doing slide conversions. I have a few new ones in the pipe line at the ...
December 19th 2005 @ 13:30 Those old color slides you never look at, (but might like to).
and the glare shroud I hope some of you have been able to use some of this stuff
December 19th 2005 @ 13:28 Those old color slides you never look at, (but might like to).
Here is the new shade
December 19th 2005 @ 13:27 Those old color slides you never look at, (but might like to).
I found that I was getting too cool a color balance with the original set-up. I first increased the ...
September 21st 2005 @ 17:25 Canvas Kit
can be done, contact me. [email protected]
August 12th 2005 @ 18:07 Those old color slides you never look at, (but might like to).
I finally got a couple of minutes to crop and do a quick edit on the cows. It looks good on the moni...
August 7th 2005 @ 19:13 Those old color slides you never look at, (but might like to).
here is an example of one that I did with the rig. This one has not been re-touched. We were carryi...
August 7th 2005 @ 19:03 Those old color slides you never look at, (but might like to).
An additional note, I use a halogen bulb in the fixture to get better white balance. It gives the li...
July 24th 2005 @ 17:20 Those old color slides you never look at, (but might like to).
Like a lot of people, I took a lot of pictures on my trips to sea. Most of them were in 35mm slide f...
July 24th 2005 @ 16:58 wheels of light
I ran across weird tales in books many years ago, by Edgar Casey. They were of the Bermuda Triangle ...
April 2nd 2005 @ 20:33 Re: Training up for a 60 Ton Master Ticket (Canada)
Congratulations on your progress. Getting a license is a great adventure, and gives a huge feeling o...
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